2007 Jul 11 6:23 AM
i have an abap query in one client and want to copy to another client.can i do this if so what are the steps involved .i tried the options like in query go to environment and then to transport .i also tried to do by running the programe RSAQR3TR.but it was transporting in the same client .i want to transfer into another client.plz help me out asap .
2007 Jul 11 6:27 AM
Create a request related to that Table Definition and add data content in the request like
R3TR-TABL-<table name>
R3TR-TABU-<table name>
R3TR-TABD-<table name>
and release the request
Take the DATA files and CO files related to that request in a Pen drive and put the same into the new server DATA and CO files and import using STMS.
For new program, it gets transported along with the program.
For changed program (which has already been transported once), you need to include texts in transport request - just go to Selection texts, save them in the transport request and you're all set.
whenever you assign a request number to the program
and also the selection texts willbe stored under that request number
so when u release the program
the selection texts will also go
after releasing the request if you change only the seleciton texts
only the changes done to selection texts will reach the target
and the rest of the things remain same
so when ever you release a request all the things under that request
will go
2007 Jul 11 6:29 AM
Step 1. Run RSAQR3TR in 'old' system. Select EXPORT and specify the objects to be transported.
(System includes these in an automatically created transport request)
Step 2. Release this transport and request it be transported to 'new' system.
(This results in the entries being populated in transport table AQTDB in 'new' system).
Step 3. Run RSAQR3TR in 'new' system. Select IMPORT and tick the Overwrite checkbox. Specify the transport number in the field labelled 'dataset with imports'.
(RSAQR3TR gives the message that stuff has been imported OK).
Step 4. In my example I still couldn't find the queries, so ran RSAQR3TR one more time, this time specifying 'Copy Standard Area -> Global Area'.
2007 Jul 11 6:53 AM
thanks ..but plz let me know here u have mentioned system does it means client
2007 Jul 11 6:30 AM
ABAP Query is CLient specific and User specific
You can't transport it from one client to other client
You have to recreate it again in the other client
2007 Jul 11 6:32 AM