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Translation not reflected

Active Contributor


There is a label in transaction MIRO that is not translated to our language.
As you can see is displayed in german:

I've translated the text in screen painter -> Goto ->translation
I've also tried from se63.

But the text is always displayed in german.

If I translate this text to other language: e.g. Spanish is working fine:

But for this other languae (Catalá) is not working.

I can see the traslation is Ok from screen painter:

I've tried to log off and log on again, traied with /$sync... but nothing.

The flag from DDIC is checked, I've check the data element is translated also.

Any idea what's happeinig?

Thanks in advance.


Active Contributor

do you try to set a SQL trace (with buffured table) using ST05 ?

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Nop, What I need to search in this trace? Access to DD07T tables or something like that?

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DD04T text for data element


Can you probably do a screenshot of the object list of the transport request, where you put your translations? If the language CA is installed on the server, and you have saved your se63 translations on a transport, and you have selected the correct data element, screen, etc. then the situation is really strange...

0 Kudos

Its happens in DEV system and also in QA system, I havent anything in my TR yet because I'm only using the menu goto -> translation. it's strange, yes

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Don't know.. something strange happens...

I've realized someone unlock the sap object, so we can change the dynpro (dont know why). I've uncheck the flag DDIC in screen painter and check it again (so i didnt change anything actually) but now the translation are displayed well.

I dont like to transport the sap object to QA in my TR so I delete the entry and put the corresponding LANG entry in my TR, but in QA the translations are still wrong...

I don't bother you anymore, I'll investigate a little more to see what happened.

Thanks !

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert

Glad to see that the issue is solved.

If it is a load/cache/buffer issue, we can follow the steps in:

Note 2788402 - Translated text is not displayed

Additionally, let me add a useful Note for selection screen translation(in case somebody meet similar issue in the future):

Note 2287306 - FAQs about DDIC Flags for Selection Texts in the Text Pool

Active Contributor
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If you use /$sync, you must run it on each application server.

Did you try running the program RSLANG20 to reset the Language Load? (see note 2788402, as answered by Tom, or even the notes 48624 - Screens display obsolete or multi-lingual texts and 110910 - Deleting the language load)

0 Kudos

I have the same issu and I used tcode /$sync to solve this problem.

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Thanks for this tip! It helped me to fix the translation for a Search Help.