2015 Dec 22 9:17 AM
Hello Experts!
I need help! I want to translate the short and long text of transaction CO02 from one language to other but I do not know how to do this. I've seen TX. SE63 without success.
Could you please give me some clues on how can I transalate short text / long text stored on STXH table from one language to other?
Thanks a lot for your support.
Best regards,
2015 Dec 22 9:45 AM
Hi Rebeca,
My favorite way is :
1.Find programs and screen names whatever screen you want to translate. ie : program name :SAPLCOKO1 and 110 for CO02 main screen.
2. -->Goto --> Translation then make it your translation fields and Save
3.Create request via SLXT ,to transport from dev system to qa system or the other sytems.
Best Regards,
2015 Dec 22 9:54 AM
Hello Omer!
Thanks for your quickly answer. What I've to translate is the following window:
This is a customer text, how can I get the transaltion of that text in SE51?
Thanks for your support
2015 Dec 22 10:18 AM
Why do you need to translate text which is maintained for an order?
And what has this to do with SE51?
2015 Dec 22 10:26 AM
I understood Omer to translate the fields, but that is not what I want, that's why I told him that it was not possible to get from SE51.
We need it, do you know how to do that transaltion or maybe if it's possible?
Thanks for your help.
Best regards,
2015 Dec 22 10:41 AM
I would need to understand the background before I can provide a solution.
Not everything that is technically possible makes sense or can even finally be used.
with a brief investigation I did not see an option to have text in multiple languages in an order.
So an easy test is to logon in a foreign language and try maintain the translated text directly in CO02 transaction.
Here you could see if your text is still presented in English or if the text is empty and the header has the language of your logon.
You can also use function module SAVE_TEXT to create a text in a different language for your order and can then check if this text is somewhere (where you expect it to work) found and used.
2015 Dec 22 10:48 AM
As long as OSS note 25328 - Translation of standard/application texts isn't revoked, you have to consider specific development, e.g. consuming some available web service (e.g. google, babylon , systran or any available application in your system landscape)
Hint: AFAIK for maintenance and production order, the initial language was stored in main record, so you should first look for any suitable OSS note for your version?