2007 Nov 09 2:34 AM
Hi Guru's
A custom program was created to get data from application server to presentation server. Its working fine in foreground but in background its not working. I used GUI_DOWNLOAD function module for downloading. Its throwing <b>unknown error(sy-subrc - 6).</b> Please help me in this. its very urgent.
2007 Nov 09 2:54 AM
You can not use the FM in background as the GUI will not be avaialable during a background process.
So you have to download it to the application server using the open dataset, transfer, close dataset statements.
And then you can download from application server to the presentation server using the tcode CG3Y.
2007 Nov 09 2:54 AM
You can not use the FM in background as the GUI will not be avaialable during a background process.
So you have to download it to the application server using the open dataset, transfer, close dataset statements.
And then you can download from application server to the presentation server using the tcode CG3Y.
2007 Nov 09 3:34 AM
Actully the file was there in Application server. It was download to internal table. but couldnt able to download to presentation server. That too only when downloading through background job. even i tried to download using WS_DOWNLOAD function module. it is giving unknown error.(subrc 6).
2007 Nov 09 3:35 AM
Hi Amal,
<b>ALL</b> the FM which are used for file processing on presentation server will not work in background.
2007 Nov 09 5:59 AM
Hi Gopi and Atish,
Thanks for your help.
I understood tht we can't communicate with presentation server using *_DOWNLOAD function modules.
if needed we can do this by creating RFC destination and doing some setting in Desktop system.
<a href="https://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.comhttp://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/sdn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/9831750a-0801-0010-1d9e-f8c64efb2bd2">reference document</a>