2007 Nov 15 3:07 PM
Hi everyone,
I execute VF02 transaction and then I release to account(FI) with some data modified by a custom logic.
In order to reach my goal I actived the BTE event technic (FIBF transaction) and I linked the standard process "00001120" to my function Z_SAMPLE_PROCESS_00001120 copied from SAMPLE_PROCESS_00001120 in which there is internal table T_BSEG in which there are the fields that I have to modify.
I executed the transfer and I saw that the system pass in my function, my function makes the modifies on internal table T_BSEG but when I go ahead I don't see my modification on account document.
The fields I want modify are "BSEG-ZFBDT" and "BSEG-WRBTR" but they are not present in the structure "BSEG_SUBST".
How can I solve my problem?
Pay attention that now I'm working on SAP relase ECC 6.0
Thank you
Best regards
Gino Bonfiglioli
2007 Nov 15 3:23 PM
Yes you are right... ZFBDT and WRBTR are not avaliable in BSEG_SUBST.
If you open the BSEG_SUBST in se11, you can see the
Try implement this CI_COBL with your fields eg ZFBDT and WRBTR.
In your FM Z_SAMPLE_PROCESS_00001120, you have to modify T_BSEGSUB.
You can do it like:
LOOP AT t_bseg INTO wa_bseg2.
wa_tabix = sy-tabix.
* do your processing
t_bsegsub-zuonr = wa_bseg2-lifnr.
MODIFY t_bsegsub INDEX wa_tabix. "<< modify T_BSEGSUB
Naimesh Patel
2007 Nov 15 5:02 PM
Hi Naimesh Patel,
thank you for your answer. I think the street you told me is right but now I have a problem.
You wrote me: "Try implement this CI_COBL with fileds ZFBDT and WRBTR": I tried but whe I activate the structure the system return a lot of error (error of attivation).
Did you make the same? Had you got the same problem?
how can I solve the problem?
Best regards
Gino Bonfiglioli
2007 Nov 15 5:05 PM
I have tried with CI_COBL.. but for me it was working.
Try with Append structure in the BSEG_SUBST .
Se11.. open structure BSEG_SUBST ... Go TO > Append Structure..
Give a name of the strcutre.. put your filleds and active..
For the WRBTR, you need to also give the reference field.. like T001-WAERS.
Naimesh Patel
2007 Nov 15 5:31 PM
Hi Naimesh Patel,
do I have to ask the register key in order to add the append to standard structure BSEG_SUBST?
thank you
Gino Bonfiglioli
2007 Nov 15 5:32 PM
No.. You can append it without registration.
Naimesh Patel
2007 Nov 16 8:15 AM
Hi Naimesh,
ok I create my append with the fields ZFBDT and WRBTR but I have another question:
In my code:
LOOP AT t_bseg INTO wa_bseg2.
wa_tabix = sy-tabix.
do your processing
t_bsegsub-zuonr = wa_bseg2-lifnr.
MODIFY t_bsegsub INDEX wa_tabix. "<< modify T_BSEGSUB
do I have to modify also the contents of the table T_BSEG?
Thank you
Gino Bonfiglioli
2007 Nov 19 10:57 AM
Hi Naimesh Patel,
thank you for your kindly aswer: it works very well!
bye bye
Gino Bonfiglioli
2007 Nov 19 10:58 AM
I think that Naimesh Patel was very helpful and ver fast whe I asked him some more information about bìmy problem.
Thank him again
2024 Apr 05 2:14 AM
Dear All,
I do not recommend the good practice says that only ZZ client fields should be inserted, incorporating a standard field, since they may conflict with fields associated with tables behind or future SAP updates could incorporate these fields.