2007 Sep 11 5:46 PM
I'm trying to save a file in a directory that is protected by userid and password.
I'm using FM GUI_DOWNLOAD and receiving the exception GUI_REFUSE_TRANSFERFILE.
Have someone already done this?
Thanks a lot,
2007 Sep 11 8:59 PM
Hi Flavio,
I fear, that's impossible. Because that's a frontend operation, the user must have the necessary rights for writing on the file system.
2007 Sep 11 9:29 PM
Hi Flavio,
it's me once again. Maybe that's a solution for you: I thought twice about your probelem - since GUI_DOWNLOAD is a frontend service - each user must have access to the restricted file path. Under windows you can try this workaround: Each user must connect to the path via a certain drive letter (e.g. Y refers to
sfile\xyz) in the Windows Explorer (this requires user and password). Once combined, GUI_DOWNLOAD should also work.
Sorry, but I don't know the exact phrases for connecting to other drive paths, cause my WIN-XP is in german
2007 Sep 17 8:53 PM
They've oppened the directory for everyone. So, we don't need to insert userid and password anymore.
But I think that your solution should work.
Thank you very much.