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Transction Variants

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How can we Create and edit transaction variants?

How can we Create and edit screen variants?

How can we Manipulate screens with GuiXT?

Any one explain step by step with one example to practice?


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In the definition of a variant transaction code, a dialog transaction is linked with a transaction variant. When a variant transaction is accessed, the dialog transaction is called and executed with the transaction variant. In transaction variants, you can assign default values to the input fields on several Dynpro screens in a transaction, change the attributes of screen elements, and hide entire screens. Transaction variants are maintained in transaction SHD0.

Use Transaction Variants to make fields Mandatory, Hidden or Display. Also applicable to screens and tabstrips.

You can hide unwanted screens and fields in any of the standard SAP programs without changing any of the standard programs. Additional features such as making the variant as default on the standard SAP transaction code is only available as of 4.6x.

Transaction SHD0 - Create a variant for the required transaction by changing the layout through hiding fields and screens.

Transaction SE93 - Create a variant transaction (e.g. for VA02 = ZVA02).

Next allocate the transaction variant to this variant transaction.

In 4.6c, you can default your transaction variant as the standard variant. (SHD0 - Edit -> Activate/Deactivate as standard variant)

An example for using transaction variant (restricting the field displayfor CO11N - Goods movement) :-

If you want to restrict changes to the fields in Goods movement forone group of users.

1. Create a transaction variant for CO11N

2. Create a new transction code for the transaction variant and assign an authorization object to it

3. Divide the users into this two transaction code. Those who can change the field using CO11N. For those that have limited

field change, give them the authorizationfor ZCO11 (this is a new transaction code you have to create).

check out the following link it might help you

************please reward points if the information is helpful to you*************

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Variants are more useful when you need to schedule a job in background and fill the selection screen variables with some value.

Then you save the screen values in a variant and schedule the program in background with this variant setting. At the scheduled time, the program will execute with the values what you have set through the variant.

Transaction Variants

Use Transaction Variants to make fields Mandatory, Hidden or Display. Also applicable to screens and tabstrips.

You can hide unwanted screens and fields in any of the standard SAP programs without changing any of the standard programs. Additional features such as making the variant as default on the standard SAP transaction code is only available as of 4.6x.

Transaction SHD0 - Create a variant for the required transaction by changing the layout through hiding fields and screens.

Transaction SE93 - Create a variant transaction (e.g. for VA02 = ZVA02).

Next allocate the transaction variant to this variant transaction.

In 4.6c, you can default your transaction variant as the standard variant. (SHD0 - Edit -> Activate/Deactivate as standard variant)

tables: tbtco.

data: jobcnt(1) type n,

t_sdluname like tbtco-sdluname,

t_strtdate like tbtco-strtdate,

t_strttime like tbtco-strttime.

  • ZXXX is the job name to check for

select * from tbtco where jobname = 'ZXXX'

and strtdate = sy-datum

and status = 'R'.

add 1 to jobcnt = jobcnt.

if jobcnt = 1.

t_sdluname = tbtco-sdluname.

t_strtdate = tbtco-strtdate.

t_strttime = tbtco-strttime.





if sy-subrc = 0.

if jobcnt >= 1.

message i999(b1) with t_sdluname ' has released job on '

t_strtdate t_strttime.



Use Transaction Variants to make fields Mandatory, Hidden or Display. Also applicable to screens and tabstrips.

You can hide unwanted screens and fields in any of the standard SAP programs without changing any of the standard programs. Additional features such as making the variant as default on the standard SAP transaction code is only available as of 4.6x.

Transaction SHD0 - Create a variant for the required transaction by changing the layout through hiding fields and screens.

Transaction SE93 - Create a variant transaction (e.g. for VA02 = ZVA02).

Next allocate the transaction variant to this variant transaction.

In 4.6c, you can default your transaction variant as the standard variant. (SHD0 - Edit -> Activate/Deactivate as standard variant)

Using Transaction variants

Change SAP standard screens by hiding fields, screens, tabstrips, changing field properties, ... read on

Show all users per Application server

Transaction AL08

To log a user off via an ABAP


Advanced SM04 program

The following program displays the Ip address , workstation name , Nt user name etc. Plus you can send instant messages to users just by clicking on the user name. It will show a red band for users who exceeds session limit. ( That you can adjust ). Created this for R/3 4.6C and above. (Submitted by Joy Ramachandran) - Click here to download zuser.txt

Changing the SAP Logo on the top right of the SAPGui

Change file sapalogo.bmp in directory C:\Program Files\SAP\FrontEnd\SAPgui\themes\default (SAP 4.6C)

Changing the Logo on the Right Hand Side ( Courtesy of: )

Transaction code - SMW0

X - Binary data for WebRFC application

Hit Enter

Click Execute

Click Settings -> Maintain MIME types

Click the Create button

Fill in :- TYPE : image/gif EXTENSION : .GIF

Click Save

Click Back to the Binary data for WebRFC

Click Create

Fill in :- Obj. name : ZXXXX.GIF Description : Company Logo

Click Import and specify the filename where your GIF file is located.File type is BIN. Finish press the Transfer button.

If successful, your logo will be shown in the Binary data for WebRFC.

Transaction codeSM30 - Table/View - SSM_CUST

Click Maintain

Click New Entries

Name Value to be set



Logoff and Login again

Automated transports no need of giving the value for variable when the query runs next time,


Otherwise, if your intention is doing nothing, you have to look at personalization function:



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Transaction SHD0 - Create a variant for the required transaction bychanging the layout through hiding fields and screens.

Transaction SE93 - Create a variant transaction (e.g. for VA02 you canname it as ZA02). Next allocate the transaction variant to this varianttransaction.

Create and change the Zxxx area menu with the new transaction variant. In this way, the user does have to remembers any extra transaction codes.

In 4.6c, you can default your transaction variant as the standard variant. (SHD0 - Edit -> Activate/Deactivate asstandard variant)

An example for using transaction variant (restricting the field displayfor CO11N - Goods movement) :-

If you want to restrict changes to the fields in Goods movement forone group of users.

1. Create a transaction variant for CO11N

2. Create a new transction code for the transaction variant and assign an authorization object to it

3. Divide the users into this two transaction code. Those who can change the field using CO11N. For those that have limited

field change, give them the authorizationfor ZCO11 (this is a new transaction code you have to create).

Former Member
0 Kudos


<b>Steps :-</b>

Transaction SHD0 - Create a variant for the required transaction bychanging the layout through hiding fields and screens.

Transaction SE93 - Create a variant transaction (e.g. for VA02 you canname it as ZA02). Next allocate the transaction variant to this varianttransaction.

Create and change the Zxxx area menu with the new transaction variant. In this way, the user does have to remembers any extra transaction codes.

In 4.6c, you can default your transaction variant as the standard variant. (SHD0 - Edit -> Activate/Deactivate asstandard variant)

An example for using transaction variant (restricting the field displayfor CO11N - Goods movement) :-

If you want to restrict changes to the fields in Goods movement forone group of users.

1. Create a transaction variant for CO11N

2. Create a new transction code for the transaction variant and assign an authorization object to it

3. Divide the users into this two transaction code. Those who can change the field using CO11N. For those that have limited

field change, give them the authorizationfor ZCO11 (this is a new transaction code you have to create).



Former Member
0 Kudos

Use Transaction Variants to make fields Mandatory, Hidden or Display. Also applicable to screens and tabstrips.

You can hide unwanted screens and fields in any of the standard SAP programs without changing any of the standard programs. Additional features such as making the variant as default on the standard SAP transaction code is only available as of 4.6x.

  • Transaction SHD0 - Create a variant for the required transaction by changing the layout through hiding fields and screens.

  • Transaction SE93 - Create a variant transaction (e.g. for VA02 = ZVA02).

o Next allocate the transaction variant to this variant transaction.

  • In 4.6c, you can default your transaction variant as the standard variant. (SHD0 - Edit -> Activate/Deactivate as standard variant)

Check this link..


Pavan P.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Can any one explain the example step by step in detail?