2007 Jun 15 1:19 AM
hello gurus,
can anyone tell me how the transaction VOFM is used in SD module.
thanks in advance
2007 Jun 15 1:23 AM
This is transaction used to create, change, display the routines .
E.g the pricing routine will be having a number. The code for the routine will be written in a include program.
Go to VOFM & select Copying Requirements and u can find all the routines. Select a routine number & click on source text(f5) button to view the code.
2007 Jun 15 1:28 AM
this is a mechanism provided by SAP to allow
1.copy of data between successive documents
2. Modify pricing
3. Output control
4. Specify formulas for condition base values
etc etc
as an ABAP cnsultant .. you will have to create these routines & the FC will assign these in the customising
typically you will write some code to pass / modify values of standard structures that are available
From Developer perspective,
VOFM is the transaction where you can maintain Requirement routines, which are assigned through cusomization.
To create a routine you need access key & routine no. starts with "9".for ex. 901,902 etc.
one important thing to note that even if you have some syntax errors inside your routine, it will get activated without errors. So, you need to do Main Program check before activation.
Also see:
2007 Jun 15 1:33 AM
VOFM Transaction - mainly for SD Pricing condition .
Example 1 - Suppose you want to setup discount based on Quantity.
If customer is taking more than 10 LBs - for one material ,then we need to give 10% Discount ( Scale Based values)
Developer will write simple code in VOFM Routine( Also Called modification assitance )
Example 2 - I have sales order ,when ever sales order created immeditely it creates the idoc ,certain conition i should not create idoc - then you can write simple code like nast-output type = 'value'
sy-subrc = 4.
Reward Points if it is helpful
2007 Jun 15 1:33 AM
Hi Ramu,
VOFM is the transaction where you can maintain Requirement routines, which are assigned through cusomization.
To create a routine you need access key & routine no. starts with "9".for ex. 901,902 etc.
one important thing to note that even if you have some syntax errors inside your routine, it will get activated without errors. So, you need to do Main Program check before activation.
Also refer to SAP Note no : 327220,381348,156230
2007 Jun 15 1:34 AM
Hi Ramu,
VOFM is the transaction where you can maintain Requirement routines, which are assigned through cusomization.
To create a routine you need access key & routine no. starts with "9".for ex. 901,902 etc.
one important thing to note that even if you have some syntax errors inside your routine, it will get activated without errors. So, you need to do Main Program check before activation.
Refer to SAP Note no : 327220,381348,156230 for more information.