2005 Oct 24 10:43 AM
Hi friends,
I have a custom transaction ZR01 and there is and associated abap program to this which is a std SAP program starting with GP3E*. This program although a std program has been stored as a local object. The report program has a few commented lines in the beginning of the report as follows
These lines get updated with the name of the last changed author and the date and time at which changes were made.
Now my doubt is under what circumstances does this comment line gets updated ?
I tried to make some changes in the transaction to see if there is any update happening but that did not have any effect.
Hope my query is clear.
All your valuable inputs are appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
2005 Oct 24 10:52 AM
Hi Gayatri
First of all, make sure about the name of the program behind your transaction ZR01. You can do it as follows:
Transaction SE93, enter ZR01 --> Display, see the program name here. Please let us know the full program name.
2005 Oct 24 10:59 AM
o.k. Gayathri
I think, the commented lines about which you are asking are:
this is a development/modification log maintained manually by the last user. I mean, if you make these changes to this report using access key, you should (not necessarily) update this modification tag (may be as part of following some standards in your company) so as to provide this information: who was the last mofifier of this report and when it was last modified.
So, i think, there is no programming logic behind it. Thats also the reason, it didn't change when u modified it
2005 Oct 24 11:01 AM
Hi ashish,
As i already mentioned, i suppose it is a custom transaction and hence i did not mention the name of the program. Hoping this would be of some more info. The program name is GP3EOIY6BR7PQYEN93X7Y6R01VW010 and this is stored as a local object.
2005 Oct 24 11:07 AM
It seems to that this the name of a SAP query or a report painter/writer. It could be customer one, not a SAP standard.
2005 Oct 24 11:12 AM
Hi Gayathri
As i said in previous post, it seems to be a modification log that is normally maintained manually, only for information purposes. We also maintain as part of our development/maintainance standards, defined by our clients
Ashish Jain
2005 Oct 24 11:19 AM
reports beg. with GP3E*. are from transaction CJE0.
-> that are custom reports from project controlling
-> you can change them with cje0