2007 Dec 31 5:36 AM
Can Anybody tell me that Transaction and Screen Variant can be used for Z T. Code or not..
Plz. Tell me....Step-by-Step..
Edited by: Prince Kumar on Dec 31, 2007 2:40 PM
2007 Dec 31 5:43 AM
Hi friend,
Tcode for Transaction and Screen Variant is SHD0.
If you want step by step go through this link.
Reward points if it is useful.
2007 Dec 31 5:48 AM
Check this SAP link.
Transaction and Screen Variantare created with transaction: SHD0
By using transaction and screen variants we can,
Insert default values into fields
Change the ready for input status for fields
Hide various screen elements, menu functions or entire screens
Adjust table control settings.
The difference between the two types is that a Transaction variant covers the whole transaction and therefore can have more than 1 screen, while a screen variant only can have 1 screen.
2007 Dec 31 5:54 AM
Transaction variants are created with transaction SHD0
In the field Transaction on SHD0 enter the transactioncode for the screen you want tpo modify (E.g. VA03)
In the field Variant on SHD0 enter the name you want to give the transaction variant (E.g. ZVA03)
Press Create
Now the screen for the transaction is shown and you can enter default values in the fields of the screen
Press Enter. Now a screen that enbles you to make further customizing (Hide, Output only, Invisible, Mandatory) if the screen fields is shown.
After you have finished customizing the screen press Enter to go to the next screen or ave and exit to save the Transaction variant
To run the transaction varian, you must create a new Transaction code in SE93 that referes to the Transaction variant. Choose Transaction with variant as Start object.
Note: The transaction variant can also be called from a program that imcludes a call to function module RS_HDSYS_CALL_TC_VARIANT
Screen variants
To create a screen variant, use transaction SHD0. Use menu Goto -> Screen variants
The process to create a screen variant is similar to creating a Transaction variant. The difference between the two types is that a Transaction variant covers the whole transaction and therefore can have more than 1 screen, while a screen variant only can have 1 screen.
reward points, if helpful.
2007 Dec 31 6:13 AM
Hi Dear,
I do all the thing as u told me but still i have problem...
That when i change/ modify / disable any field in my Z T. Code, even anything change in it....
It will reflect in my Standard T. Code also....But i don't want that..
I mean i want to change only in my Z T. Code not in Standard T. Code...
Plz Help....