2007 Sep 03 4:38 AM
2007 Sep 03 4:40 AM
Hi dhiraj
normally top include is used for declaring variable that we would like .
you 'll see dialog program in sap . all variable data will be declared in include program.
2007 Sep 03 4:40 AM
A top include is nothing more that an include program which should hold all of your global declarations, such as variables, internal tables, and type statments. An include program is nothing more than a program which is designed to be included in another larger program, sort of like a modularzation techique. It could also be a mechisum for reuseability, meaning that you could include the include program in many other programs.
RIch Heilman
2020 Jan 22 12:21 PM
Do not use include programs more than once
2007 Sep 03 4:40 AM
Hi dhiraj
normally top include is used for declaring variable that we would like .
you 'll see dialog program in sap . all variable data will be declared in include program.
2007 Sep 03 4:42 AM
top include is usually meant for global delcarations
for eg you have written a function module
and obviously it will be in afunction group
then by default it will be creating two includes
one of it is top include
in a function group we can have many function modules
and we will use so many variables in that
and some times the same variables may be used in many function modules
in that case we used todeclare them in the top include so that all the function
modules can access it..
<b>so top include is a common space for all the related program to declare the
variables and internals tables or what ever the declarations...</b>
same as for the reports
thanks & regards,