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To use variable name as field name

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Hi Experts, 

I read the below thread but that goes with a structure and fieldcat methodology that will not suit my requirement.

So, please consider this request and let us know your valuable solutions/comments.

My requirement is to use the variable names as a field name.

For ex: lv_zbatch , lv_zmatnr, lv_zauto_date are the variables which I want to use these as field names (like zbatch, zmatnr, zauto_date) instead of hard coded value or using text element values.

Currently, I declared using text-001 as field name but due to code review process, I have to avoid this and go with other way solution. 

Please note, I don't have any structure and these are local variables. 

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards.



Active Contributor

The following code is wrong because text-001 is for translatable texts but a field name should not be translated:

* anti-pattern
DATA(field_name_1) = text-001.
DATA(field_name_zmatnr) = 'ZMATNR'(001).

The following code is correct if the field name is used only once in the code (despite the "historic tendency in ABAP to wrap every literal in constants" (styleguides/clean-abap/ at main · SAP/styleguides (

DATA(field_name) = `ZMATNR`.

The following code is correct according to "There is a historic tendency in ABAP to wrap every literal in constants" (styleguides/clean-abap/ at main · SAP/styleguides ( or if the field name is used more than once in the program:

  BEGIN OF alv_field_names,
    zbatch TYPE string VALUE `ZBATCH`,
    zmatnr TYPE string VALUE `ZMATNR`,
  END OF alv_field_names.


There is a last solution where you get the name by combining RTTS and DESCRIBE DISTANCE, which you have to code yourself as I don't have the code available right now:

CONSTANTS alv_fields TYPE ... " any structure
DATA(alv_field_names) = zcl_abap_get_comp_names=>create( alv_fields ).
DATA(alv_field_name_zmatnr) = alv_field_names->get( alv_fields-zmatnr ).


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As I said, "you have to code yourself as I don't have the code available right now".

0 Kudos

Hi Sandra_Rossim

Thank you for your response.

Instead of declaring the constants or hard coded values like 'ZMATNR' , is there a way using offset or getting it from the variable lv_zmatnr. After lv_[name] , the name will be fetched as fieldname.

I also understand to achieve it by declaring a structure or the fields in the class method.  I have a similar one, defined it as a structure and derive it from the field cat. 

DATA(alv_field_names) = zcl_abap_get_comp_names=>create( alv_fields ).



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As Sandra referenced the style guide, I'd also add that prefixes such as lv_ are discouraged. Just use meaningful names as in all strongly typed programming languages.