2023 Dec 27 9:21 AM
I want to get MASSG field value inside the ZXPADU02 user exit of PA40 tcode. How can I get that value inside the user exit because MASSG field is not inclue in the parameter values?
2023 Dec 27 5:17 PM
refer below link
you have to use main program name and variable name in the exit to get the value into field symbol.
2024 Jan 15 4:19 PM
The structure p0000 is defined in top include of transaction, you can check via debug that p00000 values are available.
So you could technically use a dirty assign to main program main data
field = '(SAPMP50A)P0000'.
ASSIGN (field) TO <p0000>.'
But you could also notice that P0000 is defined with the TABLES statement in main program.
Try to ADD a TABLES: p0000. in the global area of the Exit Function Group (ZXPADTOP) then debug and look at this structure values from inside the exit FM.