2017 Jan 09 10:40 AM
I have created a custom table and there is a field with numc 4. I changed that field to decimal with 2 decimal points. using SE14 i'm going to adjust the table but error occured and stop with error log. then I re enter SE14 and then "unlock table" button clicked and activated my table. After that my table can add duplicate entries to key fields. How to disable adding duplicate entries to key fields of my table??
2017 Jan 09 11:48 AM
How could it be possible that the database let you add 2 records with same primary key? I can't imagine it could just be a bug! Please give more information about what happens exactly.
2017 Jan 09 1:50 PM
2017 Jan 10 3:14 AM
they are primary key fields.. but it allow duplicate.. I also cann't imagine it.. but it happend. this is an exapmle.. i can add any number of duplicate records with same primary key now..
2017 Jan 10 3:15 AM
they are primary key fields.. but it allow duplicate.. I also cann't imagine it.. but it happend. this is an exapmle.. i can add any number of duplicate records with same primary key now..
2017 Jan 10 8:33 AM
You should get the key fields and compare them via the debugger (compare tool).
Moreover, make sure the primary index (named ~0) is still there in the database (SE14, index), and create it if it's not there.
2017 Jan 10 8:33 AM
make sure the primary index (named ~0) is still there in the database (SE14, index), and create it if it's not