2014 Jul 04 8:58 AM
Hi all,
I am currently working on a program which is really important. Well... it's a Pacman... (Well, time is quite long sometimes)
In fact, I created it using ALV Grid OO and it works quite well.
My characters are moving thanks to a timer (class CL_GUI_TIMER) but the problem is this timer is unable to make my charcaters move more than once per second.
Does anyone know about a preciser timer (which can be called every 0.25s I'd say)?
I have another problem, this is not the subject but if by fortune someone knows...
I would like to make my characters move with keyboards arrows, has anyone an idea about how to deal with it?
Thanks all for your help.
2014 Jul 04 9:16 AM
2014 Jul 04 9:19 AM
Well, this is on my own time I'm a professionnal.
But still, even if it could seem like a joke, this program is not simple at all and it could be a good training for new comers ^^
2014 Jul 04 9:24 AM
I'm sure it's a big job with a lot of problems
There is a place in SCN about project where you could share your code. That could be interesting
2014 Jul 04 9:34 AM
I don't really know SDN in detail, where can I do that?
I forgot a detail, i tried to find some way to cheat with my timer.
I created timestamps then 4 instances of the timer. Then I started them with 0.25 second interval, but it do not work. Has anyone a suggestion to find an other workaround to it?