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This is the requirement in the screen XD02 there is a field Email id which

Former Member
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hi ALL

This is the requirement in the screen XD02 there is a field Email id which user maintain by tcode Xd02 so this email id with customer number and name 1 they want to maintain…..

1) the requirement is they want to maintain this email id with kunnr and name1 of kna1 table… it possible for this ? as it will update the standard tables and ifyes how?

2) Create a tcode for maintaining and displaying the three fields….

3) If maintaining not possible then just display the three fields by new tcode for this three fields

pls suggest the fesibliy for this and if any function module exists to update the email id in standard table

Last option is ours only create a new ztable for it and maintain a tcode for it.




Former Member
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got answer

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hey nishant can u provide the answer.if possible can you send your answer to my email id :



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hi aLL

pls find comments against ansewer

This is the requirement in the screen XD02 there is a field Email id which user maintain by tcode Xd02 so this email id with customer number and name 1 they want to maintain…..

1) the requirement is they want to maintain this email id with kunnr and name1 of kna1 table… it possible for this ? as it will update the standard tables and ifyes how?

it is possible to update with module pool programming but it is not recoembed to changes in standard tabels there might be some function module to do so to u pdate the emial id field in xd01 it is mapped to table kna1 by adrnr (addess) or direclty we can update by module pool programming.. but it is not recomebed as it might cause data inconsistency as we are doig change directly to standard table

adrnr i mapped to AD06 table where email id is stored enterd in this tcode xd02

field check its sth smtp...

2) Create a tcode for maintaining and displaying the three fields….

by module pool

3) If maintaining not possible then just display the three fields by new tcode for this three fields

pls suggest the fesibliy for this and if any function module exists to update the email id in standard table

Last option is ours only create a new ztable for it and maintain a tcode for it.

function module i didntnt serched as requrement was just to display now may be later if tye ask to maintian then we need to search

dipalying is posible jut by ALV report no need for moudle pool programming

