2023 Jan 06 2:35 PM
I need some help. I am running SAP GUI 7.70 on Windows 11.
When I open the new ABAP editor from SE38 and write code, the mouse cursor disappears from the screen after a while. I can't write code. The cursor disappears from the screen, especially when I select multiple lines (key alt + mouse).
I have also tried uninstalling and reinstalling the SAP GUI, but the problem persists.
I am using the latest version of SAP but the error has not been fixed.
Please suggest if anyone has a solution for this.
2023 Jan 06 2:36 PM
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2023 Aug 12 5:20 PM
hi Yalcin
did you fix the problem?
I have the sameissue.
When I want to move in edit to another line or variable I dont see the pointer.
First whe I click it shows up then I have to guess the required position
2023 Aug 12 5:47 PM
Please use the COMMENT button for comments, asking for complements, adding details, replying to a comment or a proposed solution or to the OP question, etc., ANSWER is only to propose a solution, dixit SAP text at the right of the answer area.
Thank you.
2023 Aug 14 7:04 AM
Hi Tom,
I fixed the problem long ago. If I remember correctly;
1- I formatted my computer
2-I reinstalled SAP LOGON.
2023 Aug 14 7:12 AM
yalcin.mete Thanks for the feedback. You'd better post a distinct answer, mark it as accepted/best answer, and close your question. Thank you!
2023 Aug 14 7:05 AM
2023 Aug 14 7:11 AM
2023 Sep 27 9:44 AM