2007 Jul 06 11:02 AM
How did you test the form u developed? How did you taken print?
2007 Jul 06 11:08 AM
Ensure that Proper form is attached to proper output type and program in NACE tcode.
Then go to the relavent application Transaction:
for example Sales order means from VA02 Tcode
Pur order means from ME9F tcode
so execute the Output from the relavent tcode and give the printer name and issue the output to Screen/ or printer and see the output.
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2007 Jul 06 11:08 AM
Ensure that Proper form is attached to proper output type and program in NACE tcode.
Then go to the relavent application Transaction:
for example Sales order means from VA02 Tcode
Pur order means from ME9F tcode
so execute the Output from the relavent tcode and give the printer name and issue the output to Screen/ or printer and see the output.
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2007 Jul 06 11:10 AM
You have to attach your smartform or script to an print program in NACE.
For all the forms which are not attached to the print program you can see in TTXFP tables and attached to the print program you can see in TNAPR table.
2007 Jul 06 11:13 AM
After developing the smartform Press F8, you'll encounter a screen which displays the function module generated by the smartform, execute that FM by giving input parameters.
You'll get a pop up window having different options , Print preview, Print etc...
Press Print Preview and check the output.
Pavan P.
2007 Jul 06 12:19 PM