2004 Dec 20 6:21 PM
Can anybody please help me in finding the technical link b/w an Employee and an Appraisal Template? In other words, I need to know the table name(s) in which data is stored while appraisal processed is going on. I can view the appraisal form in IT0024 and IT0025 in PA. I can also see the objects VA, VB & VC in PP01, but where are these entries stored in the table.
We are on SAP R/3 4.7 (Enterprise) and using new Objective Setting and Appraisal Component.
Vikas Bhatia
2004 Dec 21 1:11 AM
Hi Vikis
An Employees Appraisal is stored in table HRT1045.
The link from employee to appraisal is:
Table HRP1001
where otype = 'BA'
and plvar = 'E1'
and rsign = 'B'
and relat = '046'
and sobid = employee id.
Table HRP1045
where plvar = 'E1'
and otype = 'BA'
and objid = hrp1001-objid
and considering hrp1001 begin and end dates.
Table HRT1045
app_otype = 'BS'
and app_objid = "Your configured Appraisal model"
I hope this helps.
Mike V.
2004 Dec 21 8:32 AM
Hi Mike
Thanks a lot for the reply. But unfortunately this does not help me.
You are talking about the old appraisal component (objects BA & BS). But I want to know about the new 'Objective Setting and Appraisal' component (objects VA, VB & VC). This component is available as of Enterprise Extension HR 1.10.
So can you or anybody else help me?
Vikas Bhatia
2004 Dec 21 8:47 AM
Hi Vikas
Are you using BSP application for appraisal.
check transaction PHAP_CATALOG. is it helpful for you?
2004 Dec 21 8:51 AM
Hi there,
Function module 'HRHAP_DOCUMENT_GET_LIST' can be used for this purpose.
In order to find the objects you want, make sure you set the appraisal templates for calling this function as well as all of the other required parameters. If you need help for the other parameters then let me know.
The fields for the template table import parameter need to be set as follows:
plvar = <b>Active plan version</b>
otype = <b>VA or VB or VC</b>
objid = <b>appraisal template id</b>
This returns two tables - the appraisals and the associated documents.
Other tables you may be interested in are :
Hope this helps you out. Any questions, let me know.
If this works, please award the points for this advice.
2004 Dec 29 12:11 PM
Hello Vikas,
Technically speaking there is no direct link between template (VA) and an employee. Template configuration can be seen via phap_catalog_pa, the template information is stored in infotypes 1000,1001, 5020 up to 5026 (5026 is available from ext. set 2.00 and higher).
The employee data belongs to a document and is stored in HRHAP_APPEE. As mentioned before you can find all documents for one or more templates via HRHAP_DOCUMENT_GET_LIST.
What happens in here is that we look in table HRHAP_BASIC to locate the template id. This found entry includes the appraisal id which can be used to locate the appraisee in HRHAP_APPEE.
For a complete list of OSA tables just go into the SE11 and do a search on HRHAP*.
Hope this helps.
Regards and Groetjes,
Maurice Hagen
2005 Oct 05 3:10 PM
Hi Maurice,
Thanks for you clarification on this. We have a need to print (Smartforms) what we can call a "talent sheet". This talent sheet should contain information from:
A. PA infotypes
B. PD infotypes
C. Information gathered in the Appraisal document.
To pull information from PA and PD shouldn´t be that tough but given your explanation above - how can you get hold of/report on data and information from the appraisal document.
Do you have any ideas?
BR // Peter
2005 Dec 29 2:23 PM
Hi Peter,
You may have already solved your problem, but just thought I'd mention the delivered SMARTFORM templates:
They show all the pieces of data to print an appraisal document.
Hope this helps!
Mary Ann Kolnik
2006 Jan 05 9:52 AM
Getting data from an existing appraisal document:
Regards and Groetjes,
2006 Jan 05 3:00 PM
is there a way to change the Smartforms. (Copy them and change the look and feel of them). I saw in certain function modules that there is some hardcoding of these two smartforms. (If less then 10 columns then --> HAP_TEMPLATE_01 if more then HAP_TEMPLATE_02).
Thanks for replying
Nicolas Verhelst
Ook de groetjes
2006 Jan 05 3:06 PM
Hello Nicolas,
Yes this is possible. The hard coding is done when you select the standard print form in the template configuration.
However you can copy one of the existing forms and/or create a new one. You will have to implement a BAdI based on definition HRHAP00_SMARTFORMS, easiet is to copy the standard delivered one, change the filter value and adopt to your own smartform.
When you then register the BAdI implementation (via oohap_basic), make it available on the category level then it will be available for selection as print layout.
On pressing print later on in the appraisal document we check which implementation is selected to handle printing for the template the document is based on.
Hope this answers your question.
Regards and Groetjes,
2006 Feb 07 1:03 AM
Hi Maurice,
This may be a stupid question, but does this mean you cannot use SAP query (transactions , SQ0* to create queries on appraisal data, as I cannot find the 502* infotypes in the PCH database? I am a functional consultant not technical.
Many thanks.
2006 Feb 07 9:47 AM
Hello Mindy,
Appraisal data is not stored in infotypes, only the template information on which later on the appraisals are based are stored in infotypes.
Appraisal data is stored in normal db tables (HRHAP*) and the data can also be made available for BI.