2023 May 25 4:41 PM
I would like through the FILE transaction to generate a file whose path would be different depending on the environment in which I find myself.
Let’s imagine my different environments:
- D01: path will be \\eccdev.power.lan\Interface
- Q01: path will be \\s3qasecc.power.lan\Run
- P01: path will be \\r3prdecc3.azure.poi\paynet
I've used the FILE transaction several times with success but never encountered this problem. How would you do that?
Thanks for your help.
2023 May 25 5:32 PM
In path dependant on system, I usually used <SYSID> or <INSTANCE> in the path/file name. In your case, that's not enough.
So consider using variables or Exit FM
2023 May 25 5:34 PM
You will get a list of all the available parameters by clicking the 'F1' button while in the 'Physical path' field. You can also refer to this article for more details:
How to Define Logical and Physical File and Path Names for Archiving
Note that if you use this logical path in an ABAP program, the programmer can build the path dynamically.
I hope this helps.
Patrice Poirier
2023 May 25 7:33 PM
If it's to be different in each ABAP system, there's not really a need to transport the logical path, can't you just define it manually in each system once for all?
2023 May 25 10:59 PM
Finally I went through an Exit FM <Z=name> in which I determine my path according to the OS and the name of the SAP system via a configuration table. Why did I choose this solution? Because with a former client, the operating system was not the same on the different environments: the dev was under Windows, the PRD under Linux...
As Sandra Rossi suggested I can't modify environments other than DEV because "Changes to repository or cross-client customizing are not permitted", and having this authorization is complicated.
Thanks for your help.