2014 Oct 18 7:18 AM
hI expers,
Pl explain the solution for this problem. Tax code is working fine but calculation is hidden in invoice tab in PO
2014 Oct 24 6:45 AM
Hi Experts,
Please suggest a solution for this. In the display taxes when double click on BASB-Base Amount, the net price should come as the condition value.But here condition value field is not appearing. condition control parameters are correctly set. Pl guide to solve this issue.
2014 Oct 20 7:52 AM
Hi Aneesh,
The question is not clear. What do you mean by "hidden in Invoice tab". Is it that you cannot enter the Taxes inside "Invoice tab".
2014 Oct 20 8:06 AM
Hi Aneesh,
please share the screen shots.
2014 Oct 23 8:00 AM
Hi Thanks for the response..
i herewith share a screenshot for a better understanding for you. Tax code is maintained in procedure and amount is added to cost while doing GR but the amount is not shown aganist the condition in PO.
2014 Oct 23 8:17 AM
Hi Aneesh,
What is Tax Procedure TAXINN or TAXINJ?
Is it happening for all taxcodes or only a particular taxcode?
2014 Oct 23 8:31 AM
Hi Binoy,
Tax procedure is ZTAXIN. Yeah it is happening for all tax codes and i am not able to update import conditions too in PO. NAVS and JEXS also appears blank in PO.
2014 Oct 23 9:14 AM
Hi Aneesh,
Check with your technical team if any custom development is causing this strange behaviour. Else raise an OSS Ticket to SAP.
2014 Oct 23 9:55 AM
2014 Oct 24 6:45 AM
Hi Experts,
Please suggest a solution for this. In the display taxes when double click on BASB-Base Amount, the net price should come as the condition value.But here condition value field is not appearing. condition control parameters are correctly set. Pl guide to solve this issue.
2014 Oct 27 6:26 AM
Can you share the Complete screenshot of your PO taxes as i am able to see half values only. But, i could see the tax amount in PO taxes tab ie ..75
Further, just check whether your pricing procedure used in PO has the condition type JEXS with Statistical checked and Subtotal 1 assigned.
Totoal taxes will be shown against JEXS condition type in Purchase order under conditions tab.
2014 Oct 27 9:53 AM
HI Ashok,
Thanks for the response.
as mentioned the tax amount 75 is not displayed in the screen against the JIPC Condition as for the other conditions too. JEXS is maintained in Pricing schema with the required criteria. but the taxes are calculated as per the master record against the condition and it is added to the material cost while doing GR. Only issue is values are not shown in Taxes tab and conditions tab.
2014 Oct 27 12:22 PM
It seems to be authorization issue. I dont see any values in PO conditions tab or Taxes tab. Check with your basis guy once.
cross check with any other user id also.
2014 Oct 28 12:43 PM
Hi Aneesh,
These are some points which you can check.
1) Do you have a PO in any company code which has visbible prices?
2) Is it happening with all document types?
3) Is it happening with a particular Userid?
4) Is your authorisation check in su53 successful?
5) Does your transaction have any User exits or Enhancements incorporated?
2014 Oct 30 4:46 AM
It was an authorization issue but never really thought of it until you guys said it. It was working fine before without any issues and moreover i had made some changes in conditions for testing in between.Thats why i doubted it may be coz of any config aspects. any way thank u very much for you guidance.