2009 Feb 25 11:08 AM
Dear All,
I am trying to find all the custom developments that are in the system.
So i have taken TADIR + TFDIR tables, TADIR for most of the Object types and TFDIR for function modules.
Now, TADIR has all the reports that are with Object type PROG.
But when i run TRDIR, i have a huge list, exceeds TADIR (PROG+FUGR).
I am in doubt should i take TRDIR objects as well into count.
why is this difference, though TRDIR will have all the reports, i assume that should also be present in TADIR.
Can any one explain. please.
So what are the tables i should consider for assesment, extract custom developments and also to finalise the reports/ programs ...
2009 Feb 25 11:11 AM
TADIR can hold the data dictionary tables & TRDIR can stores the programs .
2009 Feb 25 11:11 AM
TADIR can hold the data dictionary tables & TRDIR can stores the programs .
2009 Feb 25 11:12 AM
2009 Feb 25 11:15 AM
In TADIR you can find Package wise DEVCLASS , but in TRDIR the Package field is not there.
2009 Feb 25 11:16 AM
U need to cosider both ..
some of the Programs are not available in TADIR for EX : CL_GUI_CALENDAR
and some are not available in TRDIR .. ex: class CL_GUI_CALENDAR
2009 Feb 25 11:24 AM
TADIR classifies objects DEVCLASS wise where as TRDIR classifies based on Authorisation group. (TRDIR-SECU).
The list of all Reports is also stored in table D010SINF.
2009 Feb 25 11:26 AM
actualy TRDIR is not a table ,it is a viev of
transparent table REPOSRC.
TADIR is a table that holds Directory of Repository Objects.
You can have look at these tables for your project.
TRDIRE ---All client independent programs
TDEVC ---Contains all packages
DD02L--All SAP tables
Hope this will help you.