2006 Aug 22 9:59 AM
Hi experts,
I have created ztable and having one field length is 255.
In table maintenace(SM30), the field is allowing to enter only 40 charecters. How can i enter 255 charecters??
2006 Aug 22 10:04 AM
Hello Kaki
The field is 255 char long, yet the table maintenance shortens the visible length to about 40 chars.
If you want to see the full length or at least a larger part of the field you have to modify the display dynpro.
When you are in the table maintenance generator, call menu "Environment" -> "Modifications" -> "Maintenance screens".
There you can modify the table control that has been generated automatically.
2006 Aug 22 10:09 AM
Modify the table maintenance to have two screens.
So when you select 'New Entries' it will display the second screen to accept the values.
You can modify the second screen's display by modifying the screen layout.
2006 Aug 22 10:27 AM
In table maintenance generator, For maintenance type, select the two step . When you ask teh system to propose screen numbers, it does for both. Save and activate teh table.
As it is two step maintenance type now, we get the list of records displayedin table format int the first screen. If you want to create new entries, click on NEW ENTRIES buttons on application toolbar. If you want to view the existing records, just double click on the record.