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table maintainence

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what is table maintainence generetor and how to create that and what is tcode?


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Table maintenance is used to maintain entries in the table.

1) Go to SE11 and check table maintanance check box under attributes tab.

2) Go to menu Utilities -> Table Maintanance Generator ->

Create function group and assign it under function group input box. You can enter same as table name for function group. Also assign authorization group default &NC& .

3) Select standard recording routine radio in table table mainitainence generator to move table contents to quality and production by assigning it to request.

4) Select maintenance type as single step.

5) Maintainence screen as system generated numbers this dialog box appears when you click on create button.

6) Save and activate table.




Former Member
0 Kudos

Hi it is in se 11 itself

navigate to

Se11->utilities->table maintenance generator.

Note that it will work only if your table is activated an "Delively and maintenace" is set as allowed.

The t code is <b><b>SE 55</b></b>




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Preeti Yadav

Active Contributor
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Table maintenance is used to maintain entries in the table.

1) Go to SE11 and check table maintanance check box under attributes tab.

2) Go to menu Utilities -> Table Maintanance Generator ->

Create function group and assign it under function group input box. You can enter same as table name for function group. Also assign authorization group default &NC& .

3) Select standard recording routine radio in table table mainitainence generator to move table contents to quality and production by assigning it to request.

4) Select maintenance type as single step.

5) Maintainence screen as system generated numbers this dialog box appears when you click on create button.

6) Save and activate table.



0 Kudos

And finally go to SM30 with your table name in order to edit it.


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Table Maintenance Generator : Tcode SE54.

It is a utility for Generating the Program (Function Group) and Screens to Maintain the Records ( Display / Create / Change ) of a Table


1. Create the Table and Activate.

<b> Delivery Maintenance Allowed</b> has to be selected

2. Goto SE54 and Enter ur Table name

Select the <b>Generated Objects</b> RADIO BUTTON and Click on Create/Change.

3. Table maintenance Definition screen will come.

Enter the Settings as below

Authorization group &NC&

Function Group <Name of a Z Function group>

Maintenance type

Single Step - (It gives only overview Screen)

Two Step - (It gives overview Screen and Single record screen)

Select Two step

and Enter two screen Numbers Eg: 10 and 20.

These screens are created in the Fun Grp.

Select the Option Create.

You have to get the message "Rewuest completed without Errors"

3. Maintain the record in table

Tcode : SM30.

<b>Reward if Helpful</b>