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As per our Requirement , we had created an idoc for creating of the Sales order .

When we check it into WE02, the status expected : 53( successully completed ), status obtained : 51(Runtime error TABLE_INVALID_INDEX has occurred) => not conform ; no sales order created => not conform

what will the solution for that.

thanks in advance.


Saurabh Goel


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

First check transaction ST22 and find out where exactly this dump has occurred. Is this in a customer exit or just anywhere for that matter in customer name space (custom development), then fix it. It means that somewhere an internal table is accessed (modified) with an index that does not exist. For example, an internal table has 2 entries, and the program is trying to update the third record.

When ever you are sure that this is not caused by any custom development, try to find out (debug) what led to this shortdump. It could have something to do with your input. If this is also not the case, look for OSS notes (you can also do this in an earlier stage, but that's all up to you).

Then, and only then, when you are sure this is caused by an error in SAP standard, you should consider creating a message for SAP and have them resolve the error.

What are you trying to update/create here with the IDoc? Standard IDoc (with customer segments maybe)?

It is not going to solve your problem, but it should help you get on your way.


Active Contributor
0 Kudos

First check transaction ST22 and find out where exactly this dump has occurred. Is this in a customer exit or just anywhere for that matter in customer name space (custom development), then fix it. It means that somewhere an internal table is accessed (modified) with an index that does not exist. For example, an internal table has 2 entries, and the program is trying to update the third record.

When ever you are sure that this is not caused by any custom development, try to find out (debug) what led to this shortdump. It could have something to do with your input. If this is also not the case, look for OSS notes (you can also do this in an earlier stage, but that's all up to you).

Then, and only then, when you are sure this is caused by an error in SAP standard, you should consider creating a message for SAP and have them resolve the error.

What are you trying to update/create here with the IDoc? Standard IDoc (with customer segments maybe)?

It is not going to solve your problem, but it should help you get on your way.

Former Member
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Can we use SAP note there !

Former Member
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while using the ST22 Transaction , i had fiqured out the problem occurence.

but unable to sort it out

*Then modify the entry in the Schedule Line table ...
         READ TABLE xvbep WITH KEY posnr = xvbap-posnr.
         l_ltabix =   sy-tabix.
         xvbep-lrgdt  = vbep-lrgdt.
 >>>>MODIFY xvbep INDEX l_ltabix TRANSPORTING lrgdt.

what will the possible solution for that....


Saurabh Goel

0 Kudos

If you can use a SAP note there of create a new message to SAP is solely up to you. You are the one that has the full picture, so you have to make the call. Searching for a SAP note is always possible, in the dump analysis there are some suggestions (search terms) for searching notes on

Are you able to trace this short dump back (via the call stack or whatever you can find) to the point where this dump is 'initiated'. Like in this case, an internal is accessed via READ statement. Now, probably this entry could not be found so variable l_ltabix is set to an invalid table index. But you should try and find out why (as far as I can see) this entry could not be found using xvbap-posnr. Is variable xvbap-posnr not filled or at least not with the correct value or is the internal table not filled the way it should. Trace this back and you should be able to find out what the root cause of this short dump is.