2007 Dec 13 5:54 PM
Hi All,
I have a international version option in XD01 .
After filling the details in first screen of XD01 ,then i click the international version button.
The problem is wen i try to choose any of the country by double clicking in International Version Box..Its goin to Dump.
But when i try to choose a country by just a single click its workin fine.
The Dump:
Error in ABAP statement when processing an internal table.
What happened?
The current ABAP program "SAPLSZA1" had to be terminated because one of the
statements could not be executed.
Error analysis
When changing or deleting one or more lines of the internal table
"\FUNCTION-POOL=SZA1\DATA=GT_NATION_DISPLAY[]" or when inserting in the table
the line index. An index less than or equal to zero is not
The error can occur when using the following options:
1. "INDEX idx" for specifying the line number in the table
where you want to change, insert or delete.
2. "FROM idx" for specifying the start index when deleting a line
area from or inserting a line area into the table
3. "TO idx" for specifying the end index when deleting a line
area from or inserting a line area into the table
When the program terminated, the table had 11 lines.
"SAPLSZA1" or "LSZA1F02"
The termination occurred in the ABAP program "SAPLSZA1" in
The main program was "SAPMF02D ".
The termination occurred in line 312 of the source code of the (Include)
program "LSZA1F02"
of the source code of program "LSZA1F02" (when calling the editor 3120).
Please Help...
Thanks in Advance...
2007 Dec 13 6:28 PM
It appears to be custom code. Could you post the portion where it dumped?
2007 Dec 13 6:31 PM
Hi Rob,
Thanks for ur Quick Response...
Information on where termination occurred
The termination occurred in the ABAP program "SAPLSZA1" in
The main program was "SAPMF02D ".
The termination occurred in line 312 of the source code of the (Include)
program "LSZA1F02"
of the source code of program "LSZA1F02" (when calling the editor 3120).
Source code extract
002820 ev_selected_nation = gt_nation_display-nation.
002830 ELSE.
002840 * Falls in der Tabelle nichts steht, dann hat wohl
002850 * jemand keine Lust gehabt, etwas auszuwählen.
002860 CLEAR ev_selected_nation.
002870 ev_action_cancelled_by_user = c_true.
002880 ENDIF.
002900 ENDIF.
002920 ENDFORM. "get_nation
002950 *&----
002960 *& Form nation_user_command
002970 *&----
002980 * text
002990 *----
003000 * -->IV_UCOMM text
003010 * -->CHV_SELFIELtext
003020 *----
003030 FORM nation_user_command
003040 USING iv_ucomm LIKE sy-ucomm
003050 chv_selfield TYPE slis_selfield.
003070 IF iv_ucomm = '&IC1'.
003080 READ TABLE gt_nation_display INDEX chv_selfield-tabindex.
003090 gt_nation_display-checkbox = c_true.
003100 MODIFY gt_nation_display INDEX chv_selfield-tabindex.
003110 ENDIF.
chv_selfield-exit = c_true.
003140 ENDFORM. "nation_user_command
003150 *766i-
2007 Dec 13 6:35 PM
Check the value of the variable <b>chv_selfield-tabindex</b> in debugging mode by place a break-point at this statement
READ TABLE gt_nation_display INDEX chv_selfield-tabindex.
2007 Dec 13 6:40 PM
So it's not custom code - I think you should send this to OSS.
2007 Dec 13 6:33 PM
Generally this dump occurs when you are trying to read an internal table with the <b>INDEX</b> whose value is 0 (invalid value)