2007 May 04 9:24 AM
I have a table control in my on line program. The TC has 200 lines and it show 13 lines per pages. For with process, I fill It with many lines. Between one process and other, I need to start It at the first line. How can I do this ?
Valter Miranda
2007 May 07 12:00 PM
U need to <b>award points for useful answers</b> and u have to mention it as solved if ur question is solved. Dont forget.
2007 May 04 9:33 AM
The cursor can be positioned in any field of the table and on any line as follows:
set cursor field 'fieldname' line nnn
Or you can set the top or current line of a table control:
cont_table-top_line = 1.
cont_table-current_line = 1.
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Kevin Bowmer
2007 May 04 10:03 AM
Hi Kevin,
I alredy tried to use in my program the options top_line, current_line, set cursor 1 1 in the PBO module, but unsuccessfully.
To change the target field by using de set cursor field it was OK, but to fixed the line 1 for with process, It isn't Ok yet. Loop at Screen may be used for this case ? If yes, what is the property name ?
Valter Miranda
Brazil - São Paulo.
2007 May 04 11:08 AM
In the PBO, you should use top_line and current_line only in a conditional(IF) statement.
The PAI and PBO will be processed even when u scroll the tablew contrl.
So we can change those values only under certain condition(other than 'PageUp' 'PageDown' 'FirstPage' 'Last Page' etc.,) i.e., when ever we want
Hope this is useful.
2007 May 07 12:00 PM
U need to <b>award points for useful answers</b> and u have to mention it as solved if ur question is solved. Dont forget.