2023 Jun 26 4:42 PM
Hello, i know is a basic question but I'm stuck with this...
I've created a table control in a custom screen with the wizard. Adding buttons to add and remove rows.
It's all working fine. If I use the button to add a new row this new line is added, but now if a hit enter another new line is added, and with enter again another... and again and again...
How to avoid this?
I've tried to clear ok_code and sy-ucomm in tc_MY_TABLE_CONTROL_user_command after the action is finished, but have no effect, with a new enter the action TC_MY_TABLE_CONTROL_INSR is triggered...
I've tried to find if the is some key assigned to this button in the screen, but couldnt find where...
I've also read that you can assign a function to Enter in the pf-status to avoid this behaivor, but there is no Enter in my status (i can see this in a dialog status, buy this key is not in my standard status)
So, how to avoid add new lines everty time the user hit enter?
If i use other options, like remove, or edit some field in an existing line and then press enter is all working fine. Only happens if I just pressed the add button.
Thanks in advance.
2023 Jun 26 6:08 PM
Your code is buggy, it executes APPEND each time you press Enter. As you didn't post any code, I can only say that you should debug your program and fix it.
2023 Jun 27 7:19 AM
Well... i didnt put any code because all the code was generated by SAP with the wizard...
I didnt put any code to append lines neither to change the ok_code or sy-ucomm...
The unique thing is that the table control is inside a subscreen called from other screen. (inside a tabstrip)
I've already debug the code and see what i said, the routine tc_MY_TABLE_CONTROL_user_command is triggered with each Enter, with the ok_code of INSR, and dont know why.
The routine tc_MY_TABLE_CONTROL_user_command is called inside the subscreen, and i tried to clear ok_code and sy-ucomm, but when i return to the main screen (after the call subscreen of the tabstrip in the PAI) the sy-ucomm recover the function INSR...
2023 Jun 27 8:41 AM
ok, solved... clearing sy-ucomm in the user_command module of the main screen where the subscreen is called.
2023 Jun 27 1:22 PM