2007 Jul 19 2:03 PM
Hi guys, I need to know the field/fields that link material number to table that has condition type and rate. I want to be able to select the rate based on the material selected and condition type.
Thanks guys in advance!!
2007 Jul 19 2:08 PM
go to se80>repository information system>ABAP Dictionary>fields>table fields
give ur field name. take a particular table .
go to se11.
give the table name, take the cursor to the particular field and click on the where used list to get the other tables where the field is used.
this way you can find the conjunction of the fileds.
<b>*reward points for useful answers* </b>
2007 Jul 19 2:13 PM
1.FROM VBAK get the KNUMV for the VBELN
2.Also Get the posnr from VBAP
3. then KONV
Pass konv-KNUMH = KNUMV
and get kposn kschl kbetr. and based on posnr match.
Reward if helpfull.
2007 Jul 19 2:14 PM
See this link
Reward points if helpful
Srikanta Gope