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Syntax error in program "SAPLXCN1 "

0 Kudos

hi ,

on development server in cj20n transaction of ps module we added 4 user defined fields by userexit CNEX0006.

it is transported to quality. on quality it is showing Syntax error in program "SAPLXCN1 ".

it is running ok on development. afterward i found that by mistake our abaper saved layout under local objects

which was not getting transported.

i have tried by changing object directory entry and transporting request for layout till it is not getting transported.

then i deleted completely on development and then created from starting tested on development and transported to production till it is showing same error on quality.

can anybody tell me what should i do?



Former Member
0 Kudos

Firstly Local Change Request cannot be transported. You could you changed the attributes of the transport request in SE01 in properties tab i.e. by assigning a target system (QA) and have transported the same TR.

Now you have created a new transport request and assigned the components to it.

Check whether you have missed to transport some of the components (objects) of the TR by comparing it with old TR.


Former Member
0 Kudos

Firstly Local Change Request cannot be transported. You could you changed the attributes of the transport request in SE01 in properties tab i.e. by assigning a target system (QA) and have transported the same TR.

Now you have created a new transport request and assigned the components to it.

Check whether you have missed to transport some of the components (objects) of the TR by comparing it with old TR.

0 Kudos

hi surender ,

thank you for reply.

i tried it. but nothing is working ?

can you tell how remove changes from both quality and development .

so that i can do this enhancement from start.


0 Kudos


> can you tell how remove changes from both quality and development .

> so that i can do this enhancement from start.


> Amol.

Just do a remote comparision of program from PRD.

version management>remote comparision and copy from there again to dev and tranpost it again to QAT.