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suppress an Information message for particular user in a standard program ?

Former Member
0 Kudos

We have an issue  with IW21 transaction, where we are getting an information message after entering the notification type in the first screen and FUNCTIONAL LOCATION in the next.

The information message is like 'USER XXX does not exist'. Is there any way we can suppress this information message FOR PARTICULAR USER and proceed to next screen?


Former Member
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We found the root cause it is because the user is missing in the table 'USR21'.  Due to the missing entry the exception is raised 'no_user_found'. We need to suppress the message for only that user, as client are unable to update in the table they want us to suppress.

0 Kudos


I think the following would be easier for you:

Could you please check to see if there is data for your 'missing' user in table ADCP?

(i.e. The persnumber in USR21 is the persnumber in ADCP)

If the entry exists in ADCP but is not created in USR21, then it could be because no Company details are maintained for the user in the address tab, in SU01.

Therefore try and create an entry in the 'Company data' for the User and check in USR21.

An entry should then exist and the message should no longer appear.

I hope that helps.

Former Member
0 Kudos

try to use excpetion your message type I/W/E will not appear


          EXCEPTION_ONE = 1


          ERROR_MESSAGES    = 98

          OTHERS            = 99.

alternative to htis there is no another except conditional code

IF ....