2013 Dec 11 6:54 AM
I created a transaction with 6 main functionalities (pushbuttons). It is still all part of one program, but execution must be limited with authorisations. How and who should be creating authorisation objects for me to incorporate in my code e.g. per pushbutton AUTHORITY-CHECK OBJECT?
I spoke to the Authorisations team and they say that I must create these objects and they'll just assign it to a role. Is this correct? I started creating the object just to see if it is possible, but get stuck with adding Authorisation Field. I don't know what to put in here? What I'd like to happen is that a Authorisation Object is created per button and assigned to specific users. Then when they push a button, AUTHORITY-CHECK OBJECT will see in their profile if they have that object. If they do, my program will continue, else just give error message and stop.
I've attached an image of where my problem in creating the auth object is.
2013 Dec 11 7:23 AM
Hi Adrian
Create a data element and inside it a domain. The domain will have fixed value from 1,2,3,4,5 & 6. Each number signifies a button value. So for each user will be assigned an auhtorization object and in your coding if he presses button 1 you will use authority check object field <fieldname> value '1'. If he has the authorization he will be allowed to execute.
2013 Dec 11 7:23 AM
Hi Adrian
Create a data element and inside it a domain. The domain will have fixed value from 1,2,3,4,5 & 6. Each number signifies a button value. So for each user will be assigned an auhtorization object and in your coding if he presses button 1 you will use authority check object field <fieldname> value '1'. If he has the authorization he will be allowed to execute.
2013 Dec 11 9:41 AM
Then when they push a button, AUTHORITY-CHECK OBJECT will see in their profile if they have that object. If they do, my program will continue, else just give error message and stop.
Better hide or disable the not allowed buttons in the PBO/AT SELECTION-SCREEN OUTPUT.
Also once you have identified an existing data element or created a new one,as suggested by nabheet madan, register it with transaction SU20 to be allowed to use it in SU21.
2013 Dec 11 12:55 PM