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Startrfc brings the error message Name or password is not correct

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear specialists,

I have tried to do a startrfc

startrfc -3 -h host -s 00 -c 100 -l DE -u user -p password -F EDI_DATA_INCOMING -E PATHNAME=/usr/sap/comm/T1X/sls/tradex/inbound_upl/41353.103804.2628 -E PORT=F000000002

When I tried it with my dialog user everything works fine (I have SAP_ALL).

If I try it with a service user, I get an error message "Name or password is not correct".

Group Error_group 104


The password of this user is correct because I can login with the user name and password.

S_RFC_ADM is included in the roles of this user.

I have this problem on ECC 6.0.

I have also tried it with another BAPI:

startrfc -3 -h hostname -s 00 -c 100 -l DE -u username -p password -F BAPI_CUSTOMER_GETSALESAREAS -E CUSTOMERNO=0003000244 -T SALESAREAS,60,w=- -t

Also this did not work.

I really beg for help because I really have no more idea on this topic.

Best regards,



Former Member
0 Kudos


Just a first hunch: does the password of the service user contain a character that somehow gets captured or interpreted by your UNIX shell? If there are any special characters in the password, try single-quoting it (-u 'passwd' instead of -u passwd).



Former Member
0 Kudos

No it did not help with the 'password' in inverted commas.

0 Kudos

OK, next hypothesis: the RFC library you are using might not be up to date and cannot deal with long and/or case-sensitive passwords (I once had a problem like that in an upgrade, where RFC connections to the shadow instance failed). Give your service user an "old-fashioned" password (max. 8 characters, enter letters in upper case both in SU01 and in startrfc) and try again. If this works, you might be using an obsolete RFC SDK installation and need to upgrade.

Former Member
0 Kudos

I have tried it with my dialog user which has a password that works (small letters with two digits).

The other user only has characters. I have also tried to change it in the way I had it with my dialog


So it seems to me that the problem is not a password problem, but might have to do with authorization.

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear all,

we found out that it worked when we changed the password to capital letters.

startrfc -3 -h szdemhgx5150 -s 00 -c 100 -l DE -u username -p PASSWORD -F EDI_DATA_INCOMING -E PATHNAME=/usr/sap/comm/G1M/sls/tradex/inbound_upl/16894.110454.2968 -E PORT=F000000002

The problem for me is that I do not want to change all our interfaces on capital letters.

Where can I change the system settings that the password can be in small letters (without any digits).

Best regards,


0 Kudos


You have to change the password in the relevant system (i assume it is an SAP user & you can use SU01 to change the password).



PS: Please ask the basis team to help you out in this

Former Member
0 Kudos

Dear all,

I know where and how to change the password.

What I need to know is where I can set the system settings in that way that the password behaviour runs

in the same way like in 4.7.

Best regards,


0 Kudos


> What I need to know is where I can set the system settings in that way that the password behaviour runs

> in the same way like in 4.7.

I think from ECC6.0 the user-id password is case sensitive. Prior to that the password was not case sensitive.

Is this what you mean by "in the same way like in 4.7"? Anyways are you trying to connect to a SAP 4.7 system, please elaborate on this ?



0 Kudos


Have you upgraded your RFC SDK, including the RFC library, when you upgraded the kernel from 6.xx (used with your 4.7 system) to 7.xx (used with ECC 6)? I think the problem is there: older versions of the libarry are unable to deal with the extended (longer + case-sensitive) passwords introduced in Basis 7.

You can find the RFC SDK updates in the kernel patch download area on the SAP Service Marketplace.



Former Member
0 Kudos


Some of SAP4.7 systems will have data incosistency.

check by giving password as in "CAPS" and application server name as " smalls".

Thank you.

