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Standard Variant not working in QA (using TCODE SHD0)

0 Kudos

Dear experts,

I've created a Standard Variant (by SHD0 tcode) for tcode FMSA, and it works perfectly at the DEV.

When I transfer it to the QA, it doesn't show up. Meaning when I go to TCODE SHD0, Tab: Standard Variants and write there ZFMSA (the name of the variant I've created at the DEV and should have been transferred to the QA) (in order to activate it) I get the error:

Transaction variant ZFMSA does not exist

I've tried to re-import the transport 3 times, but there is no news.



Active Contributor
0 Kudos

Hello noyash

As per note 641801 - SHD0: Transporting standard variants

The transport request contains all required table entries for transporting the variant, however, it does not contain a table entry for transporting the standard variant.

Check the standard variant transport procedure in the solution section of the note.

According to the note standard variants are stored in the tables

-active client-specific standard variants: SHDSTU

-active cross-client standard variants: SHDSTCIU

So, depending if your variant is cross-client or client-specific, you need to add R3TR TABU SHDST or SHDSTCIU object to your transport.

You have created the variants with SHD0 so they are cross-client, hence we should use SHDSTU table - add R3TR TABU SHDSTU to your transport and press the marked button:

You will get to the screen:

Double click on the first line and to get to the popup:

Specify to source client where the variant is defined and the transaction code for which the variant is the standard variant.

Confirm and save your transport.

Also the note says:

After the transport into the target system, you still have to activate the standard variant there.

So, once the transport is imported, you need to activate the standard variant in the destination system in SHD0:

Best regards

Dominik Tylczynski

0 Kudos

I've just read it. Thanks. However I don't grasp what should I write there...

I edit the transport (attached) and try to add the missing listing. It says to add "R3TR TABU" but what is the object I should write there?

My Standard Variant name is Zfmsashd0.png

0 Kudos

noyash See my updated answer.

0 Kudos

Hello noyash

You can check transport.

Object STVI



0 Kudos

At my last upper comment I've added a screen shot of the transport.

what is missing there?