2007 Oct 19 10:39 AM
SELECT vbeln posnr etenr edatu wadat FROM vbep INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE it_vbep FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_output
WHERE vbeln = it_output-vbeln
AND posnr = it_output-posnr
AND etenr = ( SELECT MAX( etenr ) FROM vbep WHERE vbeln = it_output-vbeln AND posnr = it_output-posnr ).
SORT it_vbep BY vbeln posnr etenr DESCENDING.
LOOP AT it_output INTO wa_output.
READ TABLE it_vbep WITH KEY vbeln = wa_output-vbeln
posnr = wa_output-posnr.
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
wa_output-zedatu = it_vbep-edatu.
wa_output-zwadat = it_vbep-wadat.
Modify it_output from wa_output.
Option B :
SELECT vbeln posnr etenr edatu wadat FROM vbep INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE it_output FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_output
WHERE vbeln = it_output-vbeln
AND posnr = it_output-posnr
AND etenr = ( SELECT MAX( etenr ) FROM vbep WHERE vbeln = it_output-vbeln AND posnr = it_output-posnr ).
May I know is there any different between these 2 options?
How I can I improve the performance based on option A? I notice the usage of read .. binary search. May I know how I can use it? Will that improve the performance greatly?
2007 Oct 19 12:33 PM
SORT it_vbep BY vbeln posnr etenr DESCENDING.
LOOP AT it_output INTO wa_output.
READ TABLE it_vbep WITH KEY vbeln = wa_output-vbeln
posnr = wa_output-posnr.
Why sort descending??? You need ascendung sort-order because the read must have a binary search and that is inccorrect if the SORT is incorrect.
The binary search will make option A much faster.
2007 Oct 19 3:36 PM
> Why sort descending??? You need ascendung sort-order
> because the read must have a binary search and that
> is inccorrect if the SORT is incorrect.
Hi Siegfried Boes,
Table VBEP has 3 primary key fields VBELN, POSNR and ETENR. For some reason he wants the last schedule line for every Sales order item.
The sort statement
SORT it_vbep BY vbeln posnr etenr DESCENDING.
is as good as saying
SORT it_vbep BY vbeln ASCENDING
He now has the last schedule line for all the selected Sales Orders. His read statement searches on VBELN and POSNR only. Both these fields are sorted in an ascending order and hence it will not harm the READ with BINARY search.
As to the question of why he needs the last schedule line for every sales order item, he is the best person to answer that.
2007 Oct 21 1:53 AM
hmm, quite potential for performace here:
- sub selects are eval -> bypassing database buffers
- aggregating is eval -> bypassing database buffers
- using more than 1 field of the FOR ALL ENTRIES IN Table in the where clause is evil-> bypassing database buffers ;o)
there is no discussion if the internal table is sorted ascending or descending. why sorting at all? - if you do not get the select better, at least put the database result in a hash table and read the table with table key istead of with key - this is an constant access better then everthing else.
2007 Oct 19 3:22 PM
Hi Hui Leng Yeoh,
1) Nested selects are not very efficient from a performance perspective. Since both your options involve nested selects, I would not recommend either.
2) I would not recommend INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE too.
I have tried to replicate your logic and improve the performance. Please have a look.
TYPES: BEGIN OF ty_vbep,
vbeln TYPE vbep-vbeln,
posnr TYPE vbep-posnr,
etenr TYPE vbep-etenr,
edatu TYPE vbep-edatu,
wadat TYPE vbep-wadat,
END OF ty_vbep.
DATA: wa_index TYPE sy-tabix ,
wa_vbep TYPE ty_vbep ,
it_vbep TYPE TABLE OF ty_vbep ,
it_vbep_h TYPE HASHED TABLE OF ty_vbep
WITH UNIQUE KEY vbeln posnr ,
wa_output LIKE it_output,
it_output_tmp LIKE TABLE OF it_output.
REFRESH it_vbep_h.
IF NOT it_output[] IS INITIAL.
it_output_tmp[] = it_output[].
SORT it_output_tmp BY vbeln posnr.
SELECT vbeln
FROM vbep
INTO TABLE it_vbep
FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_output_tmp
WHERE vbeln EQ it_output_tmp-vbeln
AND posnr EQ it_output_tmp-posnr.
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
SORT it_vbep BY vbeln
INSERT LINES OF it_vbep INTO TABLE it_vbep_h.
REFRESH it_vbep.
IF NOT it_vbep_h[] IS INITIAL.
LOOP AT it_output INTO wa_output.
wa_index = sy-tabix.
READ TABLE it_vbep_h INTO wa_vbep WITH KEY vbeln = wa_output-vbeln
posnr = wa_output-posnr
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
wa_output-zedatu = wa_vbep-edatu.
wa_output-zwadat = wa_vbep-wadat.
MODIFY it_output FROM wa_output INDEX wa_index
2007 Oct 23 1:20 PM
your solution does also not provide the somewhat weird
SORT it_vbep BY vbeln posnr etenr DESCENDING.
Generally I would be careful with decending order together with 'binary search'.
The binary search does the binary access according to the key field which MUST be or ascending order.
Additionally, it goes to the first line with this key, if there are several lines with identical key. The sort order of next field after the key is probably irrelevant, but I do not really know.
Your hashed table solution is a bit of over the top:
The hashed tables have only an advantage against sorted tables or binary search, if the table is very very large.
see here:
Measurements on internal tables which explain which reads should be taken can be found here:
Therefore it will be very difficult to get back the overheadm which you create with your intermediate table and the delete adjacent duplicates.
In general, a loop with read binary search is fast enough to be no performance problem anymore. Usually there are then other bottlenecks in a whole application.