2023 Mar 20 3:02 PM
Hi, I was encountering issues with this query. Not sure how to solve it.
FROM edid4
WHERE segnam = 'E1EDK03'
AND docnum = '0000123'
AND segnum = '000009'
INTO @DATA(lt_edid4).
This Open SQL statement uses additions that can only be used when the
fixed point arithmetic flag is activated (such as CASE expressions or
host variables in expressions).
2023 Mar 20 3:06 PM
Hi Wane,
You are missing the INTO TABLE since you have not indicated that you want to select a single record.
Ryan Crosby
2023 Mar 20 3:11 PM
ryan.crosby2 same issue with the "INTO TABLE @DATA(lt_edid4)."
2023 Mar 20 4:06 PM
Any reason not to activate the 'fixed point arithmetic flag' in program attributes.
2023 Mar 20 6:55 PM
You can search the forum about what the "fixed point arithmetic flag" is. It's probably said at lots of places that it's highly recommended that the programs use it.
NB: it's fun that SAP forced the use of that flag when the program uses the Strict SQL Syntax, although it doesn't seem related at all.
2023 Mar 21 7:39 AM
Switch on "fixed point arithmetic" and it'll work fine. As per SAP Help https://help.sap.com/doc/abapdocu_750_index_htm/7.50/en-US/abenfixed_point_arithmetic_glosry.htm
The disabling of this program attribute is obsolete.