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SPAU/SPDD doubt reset/adjust

Active Participant
0 Kudos

Hi experts, I'm helping with SPDD but I'm not very used to work with this transaction..

I have some objetcs in "Without Modification Assistant" that I have to decide what to do. In most of them, SAP has included some new fields that I have to keep. In that case, what do I have to do? Reset or Adjust?

Thanks a lot!



Active Contributor

Hello mariamerino

There is really not one size fits all answer here. You need to decide case by case for instance:

  • if a new version delivered by SAP already contains your custom changes e.g. additional fields or a new logic that you had to implement by yourself but now is delivered in standard - than you should reset
  • if SAP delivers a new version of an object that you have already modified and you want to keep your modification - than you should adjust
  • if your modification is not required any more - than reset.
  • etc.

I would encourage to use SPAU/SPDD phase to review, clean up, optimize your custom enhancements. Don't just click through it. In my opinion SPAU/SPDD is essential to keep your system tidy and in good working conditions.

Best regards

Dominik Tylczynski

0 Kudos

In this case, it's an standard HR structure with no custom modifications. In the upgrade SAP is adding some new fields, so I whould reset to original?

thanks a lot !!!


mariamerino The question is why the standard HR structure pops out in SPDD if as you say it has not been changed with custom modifications? Something doesn't add up here.

Anyway if you don't have/need modifications here, I'd reset the structure to original.