2021 Feb 18 6:32 AM
hi All,
i enabled the trace(ST12) and collected the results (in QA system) for an Specific ABAP program on 07.01.2021
later some time that program gets modified by some other user.
now when I try to evaluating the trace results source code position gets changed . so how can i find exact statement position in the new source code?
it was giving some information message as below
2021 Feb 18 7:07 AM
2021 Feb 18 7:40 AM
Did you try to get the line number identified in QA system & to read in Dev system on the previous version of the program?
2021 Mar 05 10:27 AM
yes I had checked Notes but no use .
Manually comparing the Versions is not a better way to do analysis.
ideally there might be some solution will be provided by SAP to do so. other wise this should be traded as a bug. can any one help me on this point.
2021 Mar 05 1:25 PM
It's not a bug. An old analysis of a program is worthless, except possibly for comparison. What's the point of going through an analysis on a program that's been changed? The issue you were trying to resolve may have been fixed already.
Run a new analysis, and don't wait 2 months before checking it!
2021 Mar 05 5:17 PM
The title reads like ABAP behaves like quantum physics