2016 Jul 28 9:27 AM
Hi Gurus,
I am using a third party system to transfer some data to ECC using IDOCS.
All the configuration is in place.
But, IDOCs are not getting created.
I had a look at SOAMANAGER log and found error with message SOAP_MESSAGEID_INITIAL.
On further debugging I found that field ARCKEY of control record is blank which is causing this to fail.
Could you please help me to understand from where system gets this ARCKEY.
Thanks a lot!.
PS : IDOC are to be triggered by BOOMI as middle ware not PI.
2016 Jul 28 10:05 AM
Please refer below SAP Std. F1 help of the field.
EDI archive key
This field contains the unique EDI subsystem key for the archive in which the EDI messages are stored in original format.
No action required.
IDoc interface
Outbound IDocs:
The archive key in the control record is updated when the respective status record has been received. Any keys that were saved previously are overwritten by the last value.
Inbound IDocs:
No action required.
EDI subsystem
Outbound IDocs:
The archive key is empty. The SAP System is notified via the IDoc status records.
Inbound IDocs:
This field must be filled with the archive key of the EDI subsystem.
2016 Jul 28 3:40 PM
But I wish to know where is is filled ? Does it takes some value from sender system or it just gets filled in ECC system only.