2016 Dec 02 2:54 PM
Hi All,
I need to retrieve the SO10 text history . for ex: suppose for a purchase order if some purchasing text was maintained 2 years back and later after 1 year the same text was replaced with a new text , then Can i today read the text which which was maintained at the first attempt . I tried using the CDHDR and CDPOS . But those table are not enough for this requirement .
Please suggest .
2016 Dec 02 3:11 PM
The long text itself is not stored in the change history. You only get the date when the long text was changed.
Best you search for a purchase order before and after that change date and compare the text manually visually in ME23N, if you want to do it per program, the long text which is copied to the purchase order is stored in STXH and STXL table with the purchase order and its item number as key