2007 Feb 26 5:42 AM
Hi all,
I am trying to create a sales order using 'BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2'.
i am passing the following values to the bapi.
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lw_hd1-doc_type = 'TA'.
lw_hd1-sales_org = '1030'.
lw_hd1-distr_chan = '10'.
lw_hd1-division = '10'.
lw_hd1-purch_no_s = '1234'.
lw_hd1-po_dat_s = sy-datum.
lw_hd1x-updateflag = 'I'.
lw_hd1x-doc_type = 'X'.
lw_hd1x-sales_org = 'X'.
lw_hd1x-distr_chan = 'X'.
lw_hd1x-division = 'X'.
lw_hd1-purch_no_s = 'X'.
lw_hd1-po_dat_s = 'X'.
*populating the partner data.
lt_pr-partn_role = 'AG'.
lt_pr-partn_numb = '0000008000'.
APPEND lt_pr.
lt_itm-material = 'L0873'.
lt_itm-plant = '2502'.
lt_itm-val_type = '0304'.
lt_itm-target_qty = 10.
APPEND lt_itm.
lt_itmx-updateflag = 'I'.
lt_itmx-material = 'X'.
lt_itmx-plant = 'X'.
lt_itmx-val_type = 'X'.
lt_itmx-target_qty = 'X'.
APPEND lt_itmx.
*calling the bapi.
- - -
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By passing the same values in VA01 tcode i am able to create a sales order .
but when i try to create it using bapi its throwing following messages.
SALES_HEADER_IN has been processed successfully
SALES_ITEM_IN has been processed successfully
The sales document is not yet complete: Edit data
can any body pls tell me what is the data am missing ...
Thanks & Regards,
2007 Feb 26 5:46 AM
Hi ,
You also have to fill the tables and structures .
Also partners tables .
Please reward if useful.