2005 Jul 26 7:14 AM
I am new to smartforms. I need help from u guys. my problem i have to print data in the header area of smartforms. there are 4 fields. for suppose if the host id >1 i have to print it on the item data otherwise print in header data. if there is no data i have to supress it. depending on this condition i have to retrieve the data on the smartforms. in the same manner if there are multiple kunnrs for the same order i have to print it in item details otherwise print it in header. plz send me the solution to this problem ASAP.
THank u in advance
2005 Jul 26 7:38 AM
Create a program line before header.In that write the ABAP code to select records having multiple kunnr for same order.Move those records to separate table.Delete the same from the main internal table.
Use the second internal table to dispalying items and first internal table to display header [one kunnr for one order].
2005 Jul 26 7:24 AM
Hi Hasmath,
Yes. This can be done. You can use either the alternate condition or the condition tab.
For example you can give the condition 'host id > 1' in the General attribute tab of alternate condition node. Right click on your window to create this node.
Whenever the value of host id is greater than 1, whatever you have given under 'TRUE' condition will be executed, otherwise the 'FALSE' condition.
Similar way you can control the execution using the condition tab. You can find a tab called 'Conditions' in all the nodes in smartforms.
For example if there is no data then you want to supress the display of some node. For this get the number of items in the internal table using DESCRIBE command and in the condition give;
w_lines > 0.
Same way you can do for the multiple kunnr.
2005 Jul 26 8:09 AM
Thank u frnd,
i will try the same as u describe. along with that i need to print the smrtform in pdf format. if u have any code plz forward it.
Thank u once again,
2005 Jul 26 8:38 AM
Check this link.Here I am using convert_OTF fucntion module.This link describes how to convert smartform into PDF and then mailing the output of the smartform.
https://sdn.sap.com/irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/com.sap.km.cm.docs/library/webas/abap/abap code samples/smartforms/smart form in abap.pdf
Hope this helps.
2005 Jul 26 7:38 AM
Create a program line before header.In that write the ABAP code to select records having multiple kunnr for same order.Move those records to separate table.Delete the same from the main internal table.
Use the second internal table to dispalying items and first internal table to display header [one kunnr for one order].
2005 Jul 26 10:28 AM
Hai jayanthi
I am going thru the code which u had given. it is very helpful. in that ur sending it as a email. i want to store the pdf in system. can u tell me which func. calls the save dialog box
2005 Jul 26 10:36 AM
After that CONVERT_OTF function module,just use this.It will save the PDF in your system.
data w_filesize type i.
call function 'WS_DOWNLOAD'
bin_filesize = v_len_in
filename = 'd:\test.pdf'
filetype = 'BIN'
filelength = w_filesize
data_tab = i_tline.
Then check whether it is downloaded in your system properly.
2005 Jul 26 10:48 AM
Hi hasmath,
I hope below fm will help you
2005 Jul 26 11:37 AM
I had used the code provided by u. the pdf file is saved on the disk but the data is not displayed. A message box has been displayed as "not a supported file format or because the file has been damaged. it was sent as an email attachment was wasn't correctly decoded ". I haven't used this part of code
Sending mail.
document_data = w_doc_chng
put_in_outbox = 'X'
packing_list = i_objpack
object_header = w_objhead
contents_hex = i_objbin
contents_txt = i_objtxt
receivers = i_reclist
as this is for sending the email. where may be the code gone wrong. ur suggestions are precious to me.
2005 Jul 26 11:45 AM
2005 Jul 26 1:00 PM
As you told,'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1' is for mailing.Did you checked your smartform output from smartform itself?If it has data,then obviously data should come here also.
In my program,I am not passing anything from report to smartform.I am handling the code inside the smartform program lines.
Hope it helps.
2005 Jul 26 1:08 PM
data is represented in the smartform. there is no problem in that. but the data is not appearing in .pdf file. can u tell me whr the error may have occured.
2005 Jul 26 1:14 PM
formname = 'ZZZ_TEST2'
Here the formname is your smartform name in Upper case.Did you used any form interface in smartform?
2005 Jul 26 1:21 PM
2005 Jul 27 5:27 AM
Hello jayanthi,
still there is problem in that. the data is been printed in the smartform preview. but it is not printed in the pdf file. when i am trying to open the file a mesage comes like file it is either not a supported file format or the file may be damaged.
2005 Jul 27 5:31 AM
Could you post the entire code in your report here?And also let me know,what are the parameters you declared in form interface of smartforms?According to my program,I didn't declare anything in form interface.