2007 Mar 15 6:42 AM
Hi Experts,
My smartform has a black background. The text is all surrounded by a black back ground.. How do i change the color to white?
2007 Mar 15 6:44 AM
Try changing the color of the Style that is used in the global settings.
2007 Mar 15 6:48 AM
Hi Naveen,
Since this is the first time I am doing smartforms. Can you please elaborate your previous answer.
2007 Mar 15 6:51 AM
change the color of style which ur using in ur smartforms in t-code SMARTSTYLES.
2007 Mar 15 6:50 AM
Hi Abdullah,
Check the following
To make a piece of text bold enclose it in <b></b>, eg.
will become Hello
For underlining use <u></u>, for example:
<u>Good Morning</u>
becomes Good Morning
To italicise text use <i></i>, eg.
This is <i>Great!</i>
Changing the colour of text is achieved by wrapping it in [color=][/color]. You can specify either a recognised colour name (eg. red, blue, yellow, etc.) or the hexadecimal triplet alternative, eg. #FFFFFF, #000000. For example, to create red text you could use:
will both output Hello!
Changing the text size is achieved in a similar way using [size=][/size]. This tag is dependent on the template you are using but the recommended format is a numerical value representing the text size in pixels, starting at 1 (so tiny you will not see it) through to 29 (very large). For example:
will generally be SMALL
will be HUGE!
[size=18][color=red]<b>LOOK AT ME!</b>[/color][/size]
this would output LOOK AT ME!
Good Luck and Thanks
2007 Mar 15 6:52 AM
You can change the back ground colour of a particular window.
Click on the required window
You can find:
General attributes
Output options
goto <b>Output options</b>-->goto <b>Shading</b>
There you can change the colour.
Reward if helpful.
2007 Mar 15 7:02 AM
Hi Sandhya,
I tried as you said. But as the smart form is getting converted into a pdf file; The text appears black, the area around it appears white and the rest of the page comes as black.
2007 Mar 15 7:00 AM
Hi Abdullah Ismail ,
You can do the following steps.
1. Double click on the main window node.(left side wndow)
2. Click on the "Output Options" tab on the right side window.
3. You can set the "Gray Value" value to 0% of "Shading" tab.
2007 Mar 15 7:01 AM
in smartform disply,
when u double click global settings, under Output options, u can find Style.
copy that style, and enter in SMARTSTYLES , in that, click on header data,
under standard settings u can find COLOR check box, see whether that check box is checked or not, if it is, select that color as white.
2007 Mar 15 7:08 AM
Hi sujatha,
You wrote:
"under standard settings u can find COLOR check box, see whether that check box is checked or not, if it is, select that color as white."
I think this COLOR is the text color not the background color.
Am I correct.
2007 Mar 15 7:29 AM
Hi balakrishnan
yes it is the text color and not the background color.. I am trying to change the background color.
2007 Mar 17 6:49 AM