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smartforms variable values not getting displayed

0 Kudos

Hi Gurus ,

I want to display 2 values of currency on smartform .

I have done all the calcuations on the driver program and value is coming in the variables lv_usd and lv_inr

I have created text to the already existing window and wrote the code as follows

Payable Amount: &LV_USD&

Receivable Amount: &LV_INR&


tHE below is the calling smartform from driver program showing variables.

The issue is that the variables instead of giving the value that they hold it simply showing variable names.

NB: There is no code at the smartform, Everything is in the driver program.


Active Contributor
  • Add correctly the field to text element (&LV_USD& or use insert)
  • Consider also attaching currency codes (defined as constants of type cuky in your case) to the fields (the reference column in curr/quan fields tab)

Active Contributor
0 Kudos

No idea why you are using those funny vampires but the correct format is &VARIABLE&


That's the way Sap Script save special characters in ITF / long texts

  • double comma (,,) ampersand (&) , formattings like Less than ( < ) , BOLD, Underline.

Active Contributor
  • Add correctly the field to text element (&LV_USD& or use insert)
  • Consider also attaching currency codes (defined as constants of type cuky in your case) to the fields (the reference column in curr/quan fields tab)

0 Kudos

I have to add text as shown below to already existing window containing text1.

I have added but I can not see the text value upon execution.

When I tried to add to the existing text it is working fine which I don't want.

I want to add it as new text element as I have to place condition for its visibility on smartform.

What all possible reasons could be there for text not getting displayed.

when I added text element to another window it is working fine there as we can see for the amount in USD and INR.

But for this specific window, the text value is not getting displayed.

is there any chance that there is overlapping of two windows due to which it is not displaying.

0 Kudos

pashasapcha Try to look around, in the screen, not just at the text itself, do you see the "conditions" tab? (unfortunately you have truncated your screenshot). It means that the field is displayed only if this condition is true.

Also, if you search the forum and blog posts (and also Smart Forms documentation of course), you'll quickly find information about this conditions tab.

0 Kudos

I am sorry for placing the wrong screenshot. Basically, it was not working with out condition also. I know it is very basic. I don't know why it is not getting displayed.

the text please refer below for amount details should be displayed after the text in TEXT1 which is not happening.

0 Kudos

pashasapcha Impossible to help as I don't have access to your system. Debug your Smart Form and you'll understand what's going on.