2005 Aug 03 1:09 PM
Hi all!
I am using smart forms, I tried to create 2 main windows in 2 different pages. I keep getting the following error: "Two main windows are not allowed." However, I have already seen an example where there are 2 main windows created in 2 different pages. Does anyone know of you how to solve this?
Thanks for your help.
Message was edited by: Hajar Belahsen
2005 Aug 03 1:13 PM
Hi Hajar,
You cannot have two main windows. But the main window can be associated to as many different pages that you want.
Check the program where you saw that the code inside the MAIN window is same. They have actually associated the window with the page. This is what termed as page-window.
Give feedback.
2005 Aug 03 1:13 PM
Hi Hajar,
You cannot have two main windows. But the main window can be associated to as many different pages that you want.
Check the program where you saw that the code inside the MAIN window is same. They have actually associated the window with the page. This is what termed as page-window.
Give feedback.
2005 Aug 03 1:21 PM
Thanks a lot Deva!
In my first message i forgot to mention that i'm using smartforms. However, the same also applies; I can't have 2 main windows but the main window can be associated to as many different pages as I want. Your answer was helpful.
2005 Aug 03 1:44 PM
Hi Hajar,
Just copy the MAIN window to the next page. Use context menu (click right mouse button on the MAIN window) to copy the window.