2007 Mar 05 6:39 AM
i have download smartforms from 4.7 first and than uploading it in same 4.7 but error occurs as below:
first: "A serious error has occurred
The transaction had to be terminated".
than second: Internal error (illegal structure of data storage)
Message no. SMARTFORMS002.
i can uplodad smartform successfully than and check also successfully,
but while i do final activation it causes above error.
what can be problem, is due to smartforms style problem, but i tried removing all style of text elements, thought it creat that errors,
if any can knhow how to upload smartform successfully and solve above error.
2007 Jul 19 12:26 PM
Just download smartform from main window or download the subtree if reuired than
first upload the style than smartform, if though error comes check all text element with which style attached, better before downloading change the sap standard style,
later u can change it.
2007 Mar 05 6:48 AM
Hi Scruz,
If its on the same system then , STYLE may not be an issue.Otherwise try doing the same DOWNLOAD and UPLOAD to the style , then UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD Smartform .
Please go to every TEXT elements and ensure that U have used the same STYLE for text elements.
2007 Mar 05 7:00 AM
Since it also displaying the error 'illegal structure of data storage'. check the structures, whether all the data fields are there or not? or the data types of the fields may be different.
2007 Mar 05 7:15 AM
i have tried deleting one by one elements and found that problem in address element,
i have just delete it and active it that it got activated,
and again after deletion i have put sam variable in address element for displaying adress dynamicaly and set length and width all same that it fot activated!
than what the problem at first time activation?
is there any runtime conflict or what?
2007 Jul 19 12:26 PM
Just download smartform from main window or download the subtree if reuired than
first upload the style than smartform, if though error comes check all text element with which style attached, better before downloading change the sap standard style,
later u can change it.
2007 Jul 19 12:28 PM
u have to create a function module from pattern in environment tab in smartform menu bar and call it in u program.
Pls reward helpful points.