2013 Jan 05 12:07 PM
Dear All,
I have designed few smartforms for invoices and other docs. I have included 3 graphics ( bitmap images of our company) in the smartforms.
These images are in white color background with black fonts. But when I take the printout of these forms the images are printed in inverted colors.
i.e. Black background with white fonts.
So please help me how to get the images in actual colors rather than inverted colors. ??
2013 Jan 05 12:15 PM
Hi Vishal,
What format you get in the print preview?..Check the printer properties settings.
With regards,
2013 Jan 07 10:42 AM
Hi Naveen,
If i m taking printout directly from SAP then the images comes with black background and white fonts which is not what I want. But if I save the output form in PDF format and then take its print then it comes with white background and black fonts which is what I want. So I am not sure whether its printer's setting or I have to change anything in SAP printer settings.
So please help me with this issues.
2013 Jan 07 11:04 AM
Hi Vishal,
May I know how are you converting that output into PDF format???
2013 Jan 08 8:12 AM
Hi Vijay,
I am using PDFCreator to convert the output into PDF format. This PDF file's print comes properly but the print that comes directly from SAP is not proper as I have mentioned in my above reply.
So kindly help me with that.