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sm30 error no display authorization

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I have two tables with same authorization group zfi.

In one table I can do sm30 and can maintain data no issues but for the 2nd table  it shows No row display authorization.

After doing su53  it is asking for an object S_tabu_dis with org_crit zbudget(which is a z one). If i assign s_tabu_dis with zbudget it works perfectly.

My question is the first table doesn't require anything and for the second table it is asking for some object.

So I started debugging  sm30

  it stops at function module VIEW_AUTHORITY_CHECK at line no 236 which is creating a object  org_crit_init

in which for the correct table org_crit_init return initial value but for the 2nd table it is org_crit value to be zbudget.

Authorization is correct.

sm30 table maintenance generator I am attaching.


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you need to go to table maintenance generator of the 2nd table and check if there is any authorization assigned... &NC& will mean there is no authorization required.. else you have to add an authorization role in your user profile which has the same authorization.. you can search for such profile using SUIM transaction

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System is is checking for authorization that means it is definetly assigned to table.Open the 2nd table in SE11 and then go to menu Utilities->Assign authorization group and check whether object org_crit zbudget is assigned.



Former Member
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problem is identified. In the table it contains a data element gsber which is part of s_tabu_dis(auth object) with org_crit value zbudget which contains a field gsber as org_field1.

but could not understand why at all it is checking for this.


Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Dear Suravee,

You used different function groups in both table maintenance generators. Is zbudget is your function group. If yes assign the zbudget function group to second table maintenance generator.

Many Thanks / HImanshu gupta

0 Kudos

Yes at last I got the reason.

In SPRO for S_Tabu_lin for zbudget org_crit  tab-ind is set. So for all sm30 enabled tables it is checking for gsber which is a key field in s_tabu_lin and also to my table zfiwfapprover .

After unmark the  tab_ind in s_tabu_lin for org_crit zbudget it is working perfectly fine.

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Hi Suravee,

There are two things to be seen in this authorisation problem.

1 Check the authorisation assigned for the second table if some authorisation is assigned means then get authorisation from basis team for your user id or change the authorisation to &NC& which means no authorisation.

then you will be able to do.

still if you are not able to do then look into the function group as himansu mentioned,

Probably you could be able to do by changing authorisation group assigned.



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For better understanding, read a document like Note 1434284 - FAQ| Authorization concept for generic table access to fully understand how S_TABU_DIS and S_TABU_LIN are managed in VIEW_AUTHORITY_CHECK. (look for The logic of the central check module VIEW_AUTHORITY_CHECK)

I do not think the control over the budget field has been set up for no reason?

