2007 Sep 24 8:45 AM
hi all
i'm lokking to get the need of these recording parameter while recording and their impact:
CATT mode
defualt size
cont. after commit
not a batch input session
simulate background mode
2007 Sep 24 8:59 AM
UPDMODE: Update mode (like the UPDATE addition)
CATTMODE: CATT mode (controls a CATT)
CATT mode can have the following values:
' ' No CATT active
'N' CATT without single-screen control
'A' CATT with single-screen control
DEFSIZE : Use default window size (Here we are handling those transaction by giving default window size)
RACOMMIT: Do not end transaction at COMMIT WORK
NOBINPT : No batch input mode (that is, SY-BINPT = SPACE)
NOBIEND : No batch input mode after the end of BDC data.
The components DEFSIZE , RACOMMIT, NOBINPT, and NOBIEND always take the following values:
'X' Yes
u can get it in the structure CTU_PARAMS...
2007 Sep 24 9:40 AM