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Setting List price for Sales Order through the use of bapi_salesorder_createfromdat2

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I am a NOOB with regards to using SAP ECC BAPIs (also somewhat of a NOOB when it comes to SAP but still know how to navigate to the different modules), and I have been tasked with modifying a process (in Jitterbit - ETL tool) that creates an Order in SAP by using the BAPI_SALESORDER_CREATEFROMDAT2. This process is working fine and the Order gets created. My task is to use the BAPI to set the list price per line item to a specific price and not use the price that gets fetched from the SAP price list.

I have tried the following link

but with no luck. I am hoping someone can guide me here by showing either a sample on how it can be done, and/or perhaps also send a link to documentation for the BAPI and for error codes that get returned. When I tried the above link, I got some error numbers back, but I have no idea what they mean as I do not know where to locate the error messages.


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Hi Imran,

Looks like you are missing COND_UNIT, this code works for me:

lw_conditions_in-itm_number = '000010'. " Posición documento ventas
lw_conditions_in-cond_type = 'PPSV'. " Clase de condición
lw_conditions_in-cond_value = lw_sd02-cond_value. " Importe o porcentaje de la condición
lw_conditions_in-currency = lw_sd02-currency. " Clave de moneda
lw_conditions_in-cond_unit = lv_meins. " Unidad de medida para la condición

APPEND lw_conditions_in TO lt_conditions_in.
FREE: lw_conditions_in.


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What's the error number and message that you get? also please post your code, I might be easier to see whats going on.

Regards, Eduardo.

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Hi Eduardo,

There is no code as this is used in an ETL tool where I need to map over the fields. Currently I am getting errors:

233, 421 & 248

What I am looking for is what fields do I need to map in order to allow Create Order to set the list price for each line item.

See below: This is how I was mapping over Order_Conditions_IN and Order_Conditions_INX. I was following the guide and setting the values as in the link I found.

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Hi Imran,

Looks like you are missing COND_UNIT, this code works for me:

lw_conditions_in-itm_number = '000010'. " Posición documento ventas
lw_conditions_in-cond_type = 'PPSV'. " Clase de condición
lw_conditions_in-cond_value = lw_sd02-cond_value. " Importe o porcentaje de la condición
lw_conditions_in-currency = lw_sd02-currency. " Clave de moneda
lw_conditions_in-cond_unit = lv_meins. " Unidad de medida para la condición

APPEND lw_conditions_in TO lt_conditions_in.
FREE: lw_conditions_in.

0 Kudos

Ok, will try right now and let you know

0 Kudos

Hi Eduardo, after setting the Unit, I was able to get it to work (well sort of) for some of the orders that get created. If there is already price condition set for a product, then it will not work because of the way our SAP is setup. I will probably need to ask one of our developers to extend the BAPI (into a new custom BAPI) to allow adding a new price condition (or something to that effect).

Thank you for replying and guiding me in the right direction.